Driving 250 Miles for my new baby :)

I HAVE had smelly bird poop a couple times in 20 years... Don't remember the details, but I'm sure the antibiotics will fix it. Besides, when you get your own full new bird vet check done, they'll do a fecal and make sure no bad bacteria is still hanging around.

So now that you said that, I HAVE TO tell you what happened when I got Raven... Similar situation but different particulars. First, he came from a very reputable breeder, and it was not her fault.

When Raven was a little boy and still at the breeder's not quite done weaning, at one point, she tells me... one of his siblings was so anxious to get out of the cage they were all in, that it ran right over the top of Raven and accidentally punctured his (needle sharp) toenail right into Raven's right nare :(. Could you imagine how loud he must have screamed?! Ouch!! :11: well anyway, it left Raven with one permanently misshaped nare hole, and a nasty sinus infection. The out of state breeder called me right away to tell me what had happened to the baby I had picked out. I didn't want to change, I wanted a male, and not the skittish less colorful only other male in the clutch. She took him to her vet right away, and got some meds. Since she was an experienced breeder and handler, the vet gave her injectable meds to give to Raven for a couple weeks. I thought "WHY ME?!!"

He did seem better when she shipped him off to me a few weeks later. BUT, he must have had low level (hardly detectable at all) symptoms still brewing in there, because after a couple days of observing Raven up close in a quiet room, I did notice some subtle symptoms that his sinuses weren't quite right. My vet gave him a nasal flush, and swabbed for a culture, and it found 3 kinds of bacteria which were not supposed to be in a bird's sinuses. One was fecal bacteria (makes sense, introduced by the siblings toenail). Meds, injections, and more meds later, he became fine, but they say he'll never have completely normal sinuses and can be much more susceptible to bacterial infections during his lifetime. :(

Long story short, after communicating with the breeder, her vet, my vet... She (the breeder) ended up agreeing to my request of reimbursing me for some of the money I spent on treatment. Only a fraction of the money I spent, but of course she wasn't going to give me a bird for free. So, basically all said and done, it was as if I got him for $350. Not bad for a Bronze Winged Pionus which aren't seen too often, but then Pi's aren't ever expensive birds for some reason.

I'm bummed we may always have off/on problems. I had no idea it would be that serious when I had agreed to get him. :( I think in the case with the GW babies, it sounds like a MUCH more simple thing than Raven. These "things" happen sometimes, even in clean homes and environments. What says a lot is if a breeder has nothing to hide and tells you about it right away. Then it's up to you to go ahead or decline. Like I said, to ME, I don't THINK it's anything to worry about. What are you thinking about it?

And Now it wouldn't be Joe's life unless there was a SCARY BAD, as always is the case in my life, we were talking about when I could bring home the bird, I was loving life for a minute and then she said quote:

"It's just as well we wait a week or so cause the other day I smelled something funny and it was the birds poop so I called and the vet came out to my house and prescribed me an antibiotic just to be safe, So I wouldn't want to send the bird home with me till they were all done the antibiotic"

I now feel like I am losing my mind

Someone I have the utmost respect for told me I shouldn't be so worried about it, and pointed out how she is being honest with me and maybe even just over worrying a bit, I tend to agree but with a 500 mile ride, $2000 of my money and my children's love and emotion on the line I must say it's something I didn't want to hear

I think my next step is to ask her:

1) What medicine they have the Birds on?
2) What the vet thinks it is?
3) and since the vet gave the birds an antibiotic will she give me a note saying why for my vet?

I never had any kind of "smelly poop" in 20 years of owning my Poe

Does this happen?
Joe, I am so excited for you! Those babies are absolutely gorgeous! I look forward to seeing photos of your bringing one of them home, and watching/hearing of his or her development.
I know an extra week seems like forever right now, but it will go by quick enough, and I would feel re assured by the breeders honesty, with regard to the poop smell, and her wanting to finish the antibiotics first.
I can't wait to see more photos!
We have pictures of that. I just don't have them on this phone. Nor do I have a home PC that works anymore. So I don't know how I can post.

Technology may be your friend. But technology and I don't always get along. My teenage daughter knows how to do this stuff, but I am pretty clueless.

I was going to try to do the selfie things this weekend.

There are a TON of pics I'd like to post if I had a way to do it.
The one thing I wish people would follow is to ALWAYS get a culture (which shows what the infection is) and sensitivity (what antibiotics will kill it) test run before any antibiotics are given so you know EXACTLY what you are dealing with and not use the shot gun approach where the vet has no clue and is keeping his fingers crossed with whatever he prescribes.

What most people don't realize is that if the incorrect antibiotic is given first you have to wait several weeks for that drug to get out of the system in order for another sample to be taken because that first antibiotic will have an affect on things and you don't get a true reading of what it is and what will kill it.

Granted the sensitivity test costs a lot more but it is far better doing it the correct way and killing it off right off the bat rather than taking the shot gun approach where things can be hit and miss.

Congrats on your new soon to be baby and enjoy.
I really never get involved with breeding issues, unless I am helping hand feed a baby, which I am reluctant to do.

Baby birds are fragile things. They do get infections easily.

I haven't ever personally dealt with any smelly poop issues, but I am aware that it happens. I've been fortunate. But I didn't do very much of this. I don't want that kind of responsibility.
I HAVE had smelly bird poop a couple times in 20 years... Don't remember the details, but I'm sure the antibiotics will fix it. Besides, when you get your own full new bird vet check done, they'll do a fecal and make sure no bad bacteria is still hanging around

Thanks Julie, Very sorry to hear what happened to Raven, I guess the point is the breeder didn't have to tell you, BUT their honesty means the bird will have better care (knowing what happened to him)

Joe, I am so excited for you! Those babies are absolutely gorgeous! I look forward to seeing photos of your bringing one of them home, and watching/hearing of his or her development.
I know an extra week seems like forever right now, but it will go by quick enough, and I would feel re assured by the breeders honesty, with regard to the poop smell, and her wanting to finish the antibiotics first.
I can't wait to see more photos!

Thank you Michele, I should have a bunch of video and pictures as soon as I get back!!

We have pictures of that. I just don't have them on this phone. Nor do I have a home PC that works anymore. So I don't know how I can post

Well could you move the pictures to this phone? then you could post them!

LOL I just had a very funny vision of "Super BirdMan" (in your bird cave laboratory, you've come up with a special harness that allows your four GIANT Macaws to lift you off the ground and fly you to any and all Macaws that are in peril !!) :D

Anyway, it looks like we are driving the Connecticut this weekend!! :)

The breeder replied to me last night with this text:

"My Vet is Dr. Bourke. Here is her website with all her info Northeast Bird Clinic -Home- We are in constant touch. I am the type of bird mom who calls her and reacts to every little thing. Lol She would be happy to talk to your vet. I called her because the babies had a smell to their poop that was weird. she cultured their poop and put them on enrofloxacin for bacteria in poop. She also put them on nystatin (as a precaution) incase the antibiotic caused and yeast."

So what do you guys think caused that?

Thanks Everyone!!

PM Me with where to send. I'll send you that plus the selfies this weekend. How's that?

I've got a bunch on disk as well that I'd like to post, but I don't know how, and simply haven't had time, or a computer to work with, to learn...

What I'd like to do, if there is a way to do this, is to set up threads and then just have someone drop a few photos in there...

And actually, my record was set down at the rescue, and no one to my knowledge has topped it. (Or was stupid enough to conduct such an experiment! Which is what this was.) They have this photo. Four large macaws on one arm. Four large macaws on the other one, with an M2 on my shoulder. (We were trying for a macaw pic, but the M2 was on a playstand, and wanted to come up, and figured out that I was in no position to say no.) Amazon on my head (Mine! Sally) and three conures inside my shirt with just their little heads sticking out. (Also mine. They pretty much lived in there.) So, nine XXL, one large, and three small birds in one shot. (We were bored.)
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PM Me with where to send

Do you mean email or USPS snail mail ?

I would be glad to upload them to a thread for you!

Is Anybody familiar with this stuff?

enrofloxacin for bacteria in poop. She also put them on nystatin


Hey, Mark. To post your selfies, or any other pics for that matter, just go to User CP (control panel) with your phone, select edit albums, create one, and then go with the option for uploading pics. From there, press the Choose File button and pick the file from which you would like to upload pics. Once you have pics in an album, you can post them on threads by copying and pasting the link to that page in said album. (Trust me, it's a lot less complicated than it sounds.)

You can also use the photobucket app, but since I don't have a photobucket account I've never tried that.

Hope that helps, brother.
Hey, Mark. To post your selfies, or any other pics for that matter, just go to User CP (control panel) with your phone, select edit albums, create one, and then go with the option for uploading pics. From there, press the Choose File button and pick the file from which you would like to upload pics. Once you have pics in an album, you can post them on threads by copying and pasting the link to that page in said album. (Trust me, it's a lot less complicated than it sounds.)

You can also use the photobucket app, but since I don't have a photobucket account I've never tried that.

Hope that helps, brother.

Based on the post, I believe the files are not on his current phone
Correct. I have some on an old phone, and the rest on disks from an old computer that crashed.
BTW, if you mail me a hard drive there is a very good chance I can get your stuff off the drive, (as long as the drive is not damaged) I am an IT guy

If the "old Phone" has a memory card you can remove the card and put it in a USB adapter and get the pictures off that way, if you give me the model number of the phone I can look up the specs on it

I'll email you the best ones. The self-ies I'll take with my phone this weekend.

You're talking to someone who doesn't even text...

I have a smart phone. I don't know why they call it a smart phone when you end up feeling so stupid cuz you don't know how anything works, and some six or seven year old kid ends up having to take it away from you, and show you how it works... :D

My daughter is a techie. I am a reverse techie. She refuses to help... (or more accurately says it is pointless because I am beyond help.) I keep reminding her, I changed her diapers, and she IS going to need me to baby sit someday... TO WHICH SHE REPLIES: By the time she has kids I'll probably be too senile to leave them with. :D
BTW, if you mail me a hard drive there is a very good chance I can get your stuff off the drive, (as long as the drive is not damaged) I am an IT guy

If the "old Phone" has a memory card you can remove the card and put it in a USB adapter and get the pictures off that way, if you give me the model number of the phone I can look up the specs on it


I've got them off the computer and on disks, so no worries there. (I just have to find them. They are somewhere in a box. Like I only have one of those, right?!)

The old phone is a samsung Dart. (Told you it was old!)
The one thing I wish people would follow is to ALWAYS get a culture (which shows what the infection is) and sensitivity (what antibiotics will kill it) test run before any antibiotics are given so you know EXACTLY what you are dealing with and not use the shot gun approach where the vet has no clue and is keeping his fingers crossed with whatever he prescribes.

What most people don't realize is that if the incorrect antibiotic is given first you have to wait several weeks for that drug to get out of the system in order for another sample to be taken because that first antibiotic will have an affect on things and you don't get a true reading of what it is and what will kill it.

Granted the sensitivity test costs a lot more but it is far better doing it the correct way and killing it off right off the bat rather than taking the shot gun approach where things can be hit and miss.

Congrats on your new soon to be baby and enjoy.

I'd never even heard of the sensitivity test before reading this post! Thanks for that info!
I found the owner's manual for your phone, there is a memory card in a small slot on the side of your phone (pictured below)

Where it says "remove the battery cover" is a typo in the manual LOL

It's a little rubber cover, just grab it with your finger nail and pick it open
(the rubber cover may already be missing because they had a tendency to get lost)

When you look in the slot you will see the thin black edge of the memory card, take your fingernail and push the chip in, it should click and then you release it and it pops out a little bit, you should then be able to grab it and pull it out

Once you have it out it can be placed in an adapter and connected to a computer with a USB to get all the files off it

If your daughter won't get the files off the chip for you, you can mail it to me I'll PM you my address


Oh geez they're sooooooo cute.
We picked our GW by playing with the lot of them. You'll just "know".
HA HA HA... Now that's a PICTURE...You know speaking of that ...... I keep hearing about all these cool things (like all your birds in a tree outside) The next time you have FOUR Macs on your person will you PLEASE get a picture ??


Okay. I sent it to you, along with one or two others. I hope it went through. (I can't tell.) Post it if you want. :D
OK, we are all set to go !!

I'm leaving Saturday between 10 AM and noon, it's a little further than I thought, almost 4 Hours Each Way :eek:

I'll make sure to come back with GREAT Video !!


PS Does anyone know anything about this medicine?

"vet put them on enrofloxacin for bacteria in poop. She also put them on nystatin (as a precaution) incase the antibiotic caused and yeast.""

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