Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

OMG OMG OMG - Vortex turned one yesterday, and I FORGOT! I don't even have treats to give her.... well, except her usual veggies, so she got an extra helping of that :D . The boys turn 24 nd 25 come July 1st. Cool beans :D !
Update on Coco: Wow... even the breeder is having issues contacting Coco's owner. They/He must be busy! The breeder contacted them twice and I've emailed them three times. Fingers crossed things turn out okay :)

I know the breeder is legit... he's selling babies (Rose front 'toos, congo greys, and loooots of conures) right now with his breeding operation's name beside the babies. And he's got over 20 reviews and a good selection of good and bad said about him. Mostly good. Plus he's been around a while. Most scams have 1-2 new friends and have just created their account. And they want money now now now. My spidey sense says he's legit, but not to be so relaxed because next time I might not be so lucky.

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