Domnijoe Pets and Art

So those who are following my flock thread, I mentioned that I'm hoping to go to a fantasy/Sci-fi convention this May. Gonna cost me an arm, leg and my first born children (If I had any) to go, but all my friends are helping out there and selling stuff, too. I hope to sell some hand made stickers there (original art on sticker paper. My friends are loving it!) and we're hoping to raise money for a cat rescue by having a cat birthday party. I've donated some art to the raffle tables. People seem to like my cat painting the most, LOL.

The raffle prize for one of the tables:
The Cat Paw.webp

and some of the early sticker ideas I had (Star Trek fans might recognize this....):
Keycon stickers_Killer Tribble.webp

And because I'm on a ghost show binge on Youtube.....
Keycon sticker - soup boo-wl.webp
Working on more stickers for keycon 40 here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It's all original art on sticker paper. I'm finding my gouache doesn't like the sticker paper even if I use light washes, so I've been using almost exclusively pencil crayons/colored pencils.

more keycon stickers_8.webp

more keycon stickers_10.webp
more keycon stickers_11.webp
SOme pionus themed pictures I've done lately:

Coro_Blue head pionus_Sketchbook Drabbles.webp

Aaaand here's a painting in my sketchbook for a friend. HSe had a dream about a strawberry woodpecker (complete with seeds) and she asked me to paint it for her. Here's the (mostly) completed painting :)

strawberry woodpecker.webp
Been practicing drawing animals that I normally Don't draw. Here we have a goat and a giraffe, followed by more stickers for Keycon (The sci fi/fantasy convention) :

Sketchbook_drabbles _White goat.webp

sketchbook drabbles_Giraffe.webp

stickers for Kecon in gel pens and ACRYLIC PAINT.webp
More art! I bought new paint, so I've been painting the cockatiels and Vortex (the white capped pionus I'm getting). Just wait till I post the picture of the white capped I'm currently working on ;)
Sketchbook Drabbles- Moon.webp

Sketchbook Drabbles- Chara.webp
I've been commissioned to do several pet portraits for a friend of mine. Four paintings - a cat, a dog, and 2 guinea pigs. OY! Before that, someone asked me to do a painting of their cat, Olé:

Olé _Commission for Tim.webp

Plus I have an art show at the end of September. OY! Getting busy again! Always starts going crazy this time of the year!
I'm on a painting spree right now. LOTS of hand-painted stickers and outright paintings. So Some of it is fan art, and some of it is just stuff my brain regurgitated all over the paper of my sketchbook. :)

African Grey Inspired Parrot_Sketchbook Drabbles.webp

Faery Tails.webp


  • Grimlock and Optimus- Me not pony!.webp
    Grimlock and Optimus- Me not pony!.webp
    766.3 KB · Views: 4
Practicing in my Sketchbook again. This time it was an African Grey and a dragon in a Mine. Gotta add highlights to the dragon, yet, but for now, it is completed.

Baby Congo Grey-SKetchbook Drabbles.webp

In the mine- Sketchbook Drabbles.webp

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