Domnijoe Pets and Art

More Sketchbook Drabbles. This time a fantasy Hornbill species with a realllllly long neck, lol!

Fantasy Hornbill Species_Sketchbook Drabbles_edited.webp
And here's this morning's image: A THunderbird from Native American Mythology :)

Thunderbird_Sketchbook Drabbles.webp
It's so cute that you drew your pets. Your parrots look amazing. Pets are my weakness. I have a very warm feeling for all animals. I have had parrots, hamsters, cats, and dogs since I was a little girl. Some of them still live with my parents. When my husband and I married, he suggested we get a pet.
Heya Folks! Been a while! This month's been crazy as I've been helping a friend flat comics. Now that it's done, I can show off some of my own work, as it HAS been far too long! My sister's asked me to help design some wallpaper for her. Theme? Birds, of course! Here are two examples of what I've been doing:
Black Cap Chickadee wallpaper for sister.webp

Black eyed Junco Wallpaper for my sister.webp

Then there's this thing called inktober, where you use ink once a day for a month for the month of October. I'm using Derwent's Inktense pan inks, which sort of act like a watercolor. Below is an image I used using the Inktense and some watercolors:

Happy Halloween.webp

That's about it. Been a wild couple of weeks! Hope your days are going well for you!
I've been busy doing a lot of art. Mostly Transformers lately, but here's a fantasy piece I did for a raffle prise. There's a hUGE fantasy and sci fi convention coming to my hometown next month and i've been asked to do one of the grand prizes for the fundraising kitty birthday bash. The title is 'Surprise!' :)

SURPRISE! - Completed.webp
I've been busy doing a lot of art. Mostly Transformers lately, but here's a fantasy piece I did for a raffle prise. There's a hUGE fantasy and sci fi convention coming to my hometown next month and i've been asked to do one of the grand prizes for the fundraising kitty birthday bash. The title is 'Surprise!' :)

View attachment 51314

This is awesome! Someone will be a very happy winner:)
Here's more art. The first is titled 'The Hunt'.
 The Hunt - Completed.jpg

Then there's this guy. His name is Impactor, and is an Autobot in the Transformers Franchise:

Impactor_ Gouache.webp
Because Father's Day is this Sunday, I decided to paint a picture of a Fishing Bear for my dad. My dad's native american name is 'Walking Bear' and he loves fishing, so here we have: A FISHING BEAR! LOL.
Going Fishing - Completed.jpg
Been painting birds in my sketchbook lately. Cockatiels because... why not? I've been wanting another cockatiel for a few weeks now but I have to wait for Redshift to pass on, which could be tomorrow, or 10 years from now, LOL! So to get over my tiel fetish, I'm.. well, you'll see, LOL!
Cinnamon Cockatiel - Sketchbook Drabbles.webp

Pearl Cockatiel_Sketchbook Drabbles.webp

and here I was trying for something more cutesy. The orange-pink thing on top of the hen's head is supposed to be a curler :)
Cockatiels at Play _ Sketchbook Drabbles.webp
Zero - it's your fault! I wanted to make a Cockatiel-Gryphon! Now I have two! LOL!

Sketchbook Drabbles - Cockatiel Gryphon.webp
My most recent cockatiel... thing :
Sketchbook Drabbles - cockatiel gryphon - june 2023.webp

and my Original Character (OC) Transformer named Taps:

Sketchbook Drabbles - Taps Pushing Door.webp
Apartment hunting sucks. But I have a viewing tomorrow, downtown. I managed to paint another Transformer in the meantime, of a character named Rodimus. My friend and i were joking about transformers wearing silly human clothes like maids outfits and i suggested that the captain of the Lost Light wear a kilt. And thus this image was born:

Rodimus in a Kilt - Completed.webp
Apartment hunting sucks. But I have a viewing tomorrow, downtown. I managed to paint another Transformer in the meantime, of a character named Rodimus. My friend and i were joking about transformers wearing silly human clothes like maids outfits and i suggested that the captain of the Lost Light wear a kilt. And thus this image was born:

View attachment 52323
Funny character idea :D
I've been producing a lot of art lately, much of it in my sketchbook. But for a change of pace, I've been working on my new paper pad. My most recent painting is of my Service Dog, Winter. She's an Italian Greyhound and is currently 4 years old. The painting is of her when she was about a year old and still very much a puppy :)
Winter as a puppy circa 1 year.webp

I'm currently working on a cockatiel on my really, really super expensive paper, LOL. I'll post that once it's done. I'm trying to decide if I want the hen to be a pied or a pearl... or both!
More art! I've been busy with an art show locally. I know.. I'm insane. I'm moving in 9 days and I decide to submit stuff to an art show that starts on the 26th. OY! And a friend in ... somewhere in the UK I think, requested some art of mine and I was like HECK YES! So I'm sending her this picture:

Chara and Moon in Gouache.webp

Then I did this painting because, well, I'm a sucker for cockatiels right now:

Pied Cockatiel in Gouache and colored pencil.webp

Then I've Done a bunch of Transformers stuff. I won't bore you with that, LOL! AND OMG.. I need to pack my huuuuge picture of the flying rat I did about 20 years ago in pencil.

Just Visiting_Flying rat and dragons.webp
My most recent cockatiel painting! I gave this as a Christmas 'card' to my mom and dad.

Sketchbook Drabbles _ Cockatiel in Gouache.webp
I have a tendency to paint birds when I'm in a bird-searching frame of mind. When I don't work from images, my brain.. errr.... regurgitates weird things. Like this painting i did based off of a cockatiels and a blue headed Pionus:


Forgive the quality. I painted it in my sketchbook, so framing it right with the camera was weird.

Then there's my Transformers stuff, like Deadlock (Before he became Drift) from the Transformers: Cyberverse universe:

Sketchbook Drabbles _ Deadlock from TF Cyberverse.webp

I'm currently working on a picture of August, my former white capped pionus. He's turning out better than I expected, LOL!

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