Does anybody know anything about leg bands that start with "BPD"? Or about Barney's Pet Distributors?


New member
May 16, 2024
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Pineapple GCC, Lineolated Parakeet
Hi guys! I adopted a linnie a few weeks ago and have been trying to nail where her leg band could be from. It says BPD 0795, which is not listed on any of the official leg band registries, so I gave up. But I tried diving deeper today and I found a few forum posts elsewhere that say that it could be from Barney's pet distributors, who sells birds wholesale to stores like petsmart. I tried calling them and the operator is never there.

But what's most concerning is that multiple people have come forth online saying that their pets from BPD have all had health issues and now I'm concerned that my linnie may have something that isn't physically visible, like ABV for example. When I adopted her, I was told she had been to the vet and they gave her the all clear. I mistakenly assumed this meant, of all illnesses, but I don't think they did a full panel. I feel very stupid for not doublechecking what she meant.

Since I've read about everything, I've gone and disinfected every surface she could have touched and am not allowing her out of her cage, temporarily. I'm also deep cleaning my conure's perches in hot dish soap water just in case, even though my linnie hasn't been in her cage.
I have a vet appointment for today and I'm just so nervous that I might've done something terrible to my existing conure by bringing her home. They haven't been cuddly, but they have been in the same room and on the same playstand, which I've also disinfected.

It's not for certain that my linnie did come from BPD, but it is a possibility and I've been freaked out since reading about them. I'm just really nervous.
Can anyone provide info about her leg band or about BPD?
Thanks so much...
Sadly, leg bands have stopped have specific meaning when the US closed the Import Holding facilities. Today, the only meaning that a leg band has it what a breeder may chose to use.

There is no reason to keep the band on your Parrots leg as they have no legal use for identification.
What information the sell may choose to offer you is about all you can hope for.

With great hope you got lucky!

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