Trying to identify PBT and KXA WI leg bands


New member
Jan 5, 2024
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Sun conure, crimson belly conure
Hi all,

I have been searching off-and-on for my rescued conure's (black capped and crimson bellied) breeders ever since I adopted them 7 years ago. I've scoured the internet, made phone calls, sent e-mails...nothin'.

I would love to know more about their history if anyone has any tips on these bands.

One is a closed orange band engraved with PBT1991. The other is a closed blue band labeled KXA WI 01. Obviously, the second band is from WI, but I've been unable to locate the breeder. I know leg bands are notoriously difficult to get information from, but if anyone is familiar with these bands I'd love to know!
In my experience, local bird clubs are the best bet. Breeders (and their brands) come and go, and parrot-lover communities, as local as possible are most likely to be familiar with that. I found my Patagonian's breeder by scouring lists of clubs that were local to the area(s) which I suspected were his origin, and contacted them until I found her... a one-time breeder who would only have been known to local folks. Good luck!

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