did I really come home with another one??

Jealousy, thankfully, is an emotion I have rarely felt, I generally react by feeling happy for the other person, but in this instance, I think I AM jealous! Not only am I Tie-Dye's biggest fan, but this new boy is just as pretty in a less flashy way. I love them both. Names: Azure, Turq (for turquoise), Sky or Skye or Skies, Bluebell (if was a girl I'd say Bluebelle ;)), Heaven, Blue-Tye :)

awww, thanks gary, remember you gave me the idea of Tie-dye, so I guess you could say she's partially yours, ha ha.

too bad your not closer, if I ever get babies, you'd be first on my list:D

Aww man! Beth, I thought that was my idea...LOL

I kinda like "Blue Jean Baby" kinda looks like a comfortable faded pair. :p

could be BJ for short.
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I don't know why, but I like the name Oliver.

Very cute.
Capsteve - it was you that gave Crimson the name Tie-Dye - as much as I would like too I can't take credit for that - so credit where credit is due :) - If I would have suggested a name for her it would have been 'MINE!' lol

Crimson I can't take credit for that name, it's not a name I would have thought of so Steve gets the prize lol

....really??, oooops, ok, the prize goes to capsteve....but you can still be first in line,ok?, ha ha

I do like the name turq... gosh everyone is coming up with some really good names!....it's tough to choose:rolleyes:
I think Turq is a great name!
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(

Echo-thanks for your concern... if you read my post, he slipped out the front door of the cage...and got out. my only other bird out was Tie-Dye....

All my other birds have been in their cages all day, which is rare.

normally I do practice quarantine, but rather than stress him out today, I let him fly around a bit before I put him away in his cage.

I also know he came from a breeder, who I know, and is a very good one.
all of his birds are disease tested with negative results.:D
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(

Echo-thanks for your concern... if you read my post, he slipped out the front door of the cage...and got out. my only other bird out was Tie-Dye....

All my other birds have been in their cages all day, which is rare.

normally I do practice quarantine, but rather than stress him out today, I let him fly around a bit before I put him away in his cage.

I also know he came from a breeder, who I know, and is a very good one.
all of his birds are disease tested with negative results.:D

I'm not attacking you or want to be negative, and really, it is your responsibility and choice. I had a very big scare with a bird I got from a reputable breeder and usually I quarantine in a detached garage, but it was winter so I put him at opposite end and level of the house (stupid). I sent all my blood samples for disease testing and it came back positive for PBFD. I personally talked to the lab technician who performed the test and he really was grim as far as the life of all my other parrots, the disease being airborne and them all being under the same roof.
He told me to send more samples as well as environmental ones to redo the test. In the meantime, I brought the bird to a vet to get him tested with a different lab.

It was the worse week of my life waiting for results. I would have to test all the birds and likely lose them all. I had babies (I breed GCC) and feared for their lives. I also would have had to explain to the buyers that their babies were sick with a fatal disease. As a breeder I'm responsible for raising healthy babies and not take any chances. Heck I could have lost them all.

Well turned out that the bird was really negative for PBFD and healthy! Nobody knows how that first result came back positive ( possibly a cross contamination at the lab). The environmental sample was negative too. My vet confirmed all good at her end as well.

All this to say that I will NEVER take another chance, don't care where the bird comes from. It can happen to the best of breeders and person. I got so scared. The quarantine is in another building and the last time I bought from a breeder, I had her test the baby for a bunch of diseases when she sent in the DNA test for gender. (She was happy to do it as it was testing her aviary as well). And if winter, I'll keep the new bird at a birdless friends house until cleared.
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(

Echo-thanks for your concern... if you read my post, he slipped out the front door of the cage...and got out. my only other bird out was Tie-Dye....

All my other birds have been in their cages all day, which is rare.

normally I do practice quarantine, but rather than stress him out today, I let him fly around a bit before I put him away in his cage.

I also know he came from a breeder, who I know, and is a very good one.
all of his birds are disease tested with negative results.:D

If he is testing negative and hasn't been with any other birds at the store (other than birds coming from the same breeder) then you are in the clear!
I'm glad you were not OFF birds for long! ;)
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(

Echo-thanks for your concern... if you read my post, he slipped out the front door of the cage...and got out. my only other bird out was Tie-Dye....

All my other birds have been in their cages all day, which is rare.

normally I do practice quarantine, but rather than stress him out today, I let him fly around a bit before I put him away in his cage.

I also know he came from a breeder, who I know, and is a very good one.
all of his birds are disease tested with negative results.:D

I'm not attacking you or want to be negative, and really, it is your responsibility and choice. I had a very big scare with a bird I got from a reputable breeder and usually I quarantine in a detached garage, but it was winter so I put him at opposite end and level of the house (stupid). I sent all my blood samples for disease testing and it came back positive for PBFD. I personally talked to the lab technician who performed the test and he really was grim as far as the life of all my other parrots, the disease being airborne and them all being under the same roof.
He told me to send more samples as well as environmental ones to redo the test. In the meantime, I brought the bird to a vet to get him tested with a different lab.

It was the worse week of my life waiting for results. I would have to test all the birds and likely lose them all. I had babies (I breed GCC) and feared for their lives. I also would have had to explain to the buyers that their babies were sick with a fatal disease. As a breeder I'm responsible for raising healthy babies and not take any chances. Heck I could have lost them all.

Well turned out that the bird was really negative for PBFD and healthy! Nobody knows how that first result came back positive ( possibly a cross contamination at the lab). The environmental sample was negative too. My vet confirmed all good at her end as well.

All this to say that I will NEVER take another chance, don't care where the bird comes from. It can happen to the best of breeders and person. I got so scared. The quarantine is in another building and the last time I bought from a breeder, I had her test the baby for a bunch of diseases when she sent in the DNA test for gender. (She was happy to do it as it was testing her aviary as well). And if winter, I'll keep the new bird at a birdless friends house until cleared.

no worries Echo, I didn't take it that way at all:D

that must have been an absolute nightmare for you, and I'm glad it worked out for you and your flock....
he is now tucked safely away at the other end of the house and will be for the next month or so.
Must be why I'm obsessed with quarantine! I may quarantine my son's friends even, you know these teenagers are usually up to no good!! LOL
I like the names Cloud, Cloudy, Nimbus, Cirrus, or Rain. And, I want one of those red ones!
Jealousy, thankfully, is an emotion I have rarely felt, I generally react by feeling happy for the other person, but in this instance, I think I AM jealous! Not only am I Tie-Dye's biggest fan, but this new boy is just as pretty in a less flashy way. I love them both. Names: Azure, Turq (for turquoise), Sky or Skye or Skies, Bluebell (if was a girl I'd say Bluebelle ;)), Heaven, Blue-Tye :)

awww, thanks gary, remember you gave me the idea of Tie-dye, so I guess you could say she's partially yours, ha ha.

too bad your not closer, if I ever get babies, you'd be first on my list:D

Aww man! Beth, I thought that was my idea...LOL

I kinda like "Blue Jean Baby" kinda looks like a comfortable faded pair. :p

could be BJ for short.

you come up with great names.....I think I'll name him Denim:D....
He's really cute BUT am I the only one who is surprised by the lack of quarantine???
Crimson- you've had your share of bad luck, is it really wise bringing in a new bird and not making sure he's healthy first? It's a big risk for your entire flock :(

Echo-thanks for your concern... if you read my post, he slipped out the front door of the cage...and got out. my only other bird out was Tie-Dye....

All my other birds have been in their cages all day, which is rare.

normally I do practice quarantine, but rather than stress him out today, I let him fly around a bit before I put him away in his cage.

I also know he came from a breeder, who I know, and is a very good one.
all of his birds are disease tested with negative results.:D

If he is testing negative and hasn't been with any other birds at the store (other than birds coming from the same breeder) then you are in the clear!
I'm glad you were not OFF birds for long! ;)

I understand where your coming from, us breeders have to look out for one another, right?

I was thrilled to find out where he came from, and the bird that he was with was from another clutch of his....and the green light finally came on:rolleyes:

it seemed like an eternity since I haven't bought another bird. I've downsized dramatically(re-homed or sold almost 20 birds) and now down to 35, which is a more comfortable manageable amount.
I like the names Cloud, Cloudy, Nimbus, Cirrus, or Rain. And, I want one of those red ones!

ok, now this is getting really hard....I said I was going to call him Denim, but now I love Nimbus

which one everybody??
~Denim OR

I know Bill Tie-Dye is just spectacular looking. My vet Evan said it would be virtually impossible to replicate her into babies, but I'm going to do my best.
Tie-Dye is such a beautiful and awesome bird. If you get lucky enough to get any babies even close to her you will have a line around the block for the babies. (Including me)

I really love the Denim idea, kinda keeps the theme going!!!:09:

By the way Beth, I admire your dedication to your babies.
Tie-Dye is such a beautiful and awesome bird. If you get lucky enough to get any babies even close to her you will have a line around the block for the babies. (Including me)

I really love the Denim idea, kinda keeps the theme going!!!:09:

By the way Beth, I admire your dedication to your babies.

awww, thanks. when I was 4 I wanted to work for National Geographic....I guess I knew then I adored animals....they truly keep me centred:rolleyes:

I really can't decide between Denim or Nimbus:p
Crimson you have the prettiest colored lovebirds I've ever seen! I want a lovebird now.. :dopey:
He is so cute! I love his mutation, whatever it is! :) I think you should name him Denim! :) That's a great name!
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