Dead baby lovebird after two days at our home - please help diagnose

Congrats. Just wanted to say that the perches are too big for him, and please make sure that the cage's bar spacing is not bigger than 1/2"...... Hard for a baby to perch properly when the perches are so big and meant for a bigger bird.
Hi I'm new to here too. I was wondering if the seed and the eggfood were the same brand that the breeder used? If the baby was just weened, he would require the exact same food most of the time. But the breeder should have told you the brands or given you some food till you could get some. It's not your fault. Also, the black stool could be a result of intestinal issues. Some birds are just born that way. Especially with poor breeding. I'm sorry for your loss btw. Just know as i said before, it can't be your fault. You did your research and I'm sure you were a good bird parent as you did everything you could.
The black beak is a good indication he is very young, as you say 2 months, maybe not even that, sometimes they eat perfectly well and just require one hand feeding a day when they are that age but it still helps towards their nutrition...probably too young to be weaned onto just seed and egg food and needed a bit more time on the syringe, but that's not your fault :( I just have memories of the black beak fading pretty fast on the chicks I hand reared so he must be very little.

My vet told me when I had a sickly Lovebird who I was syringe feeding that their metabolism is so high they can lose half their body weight in three days if they don't eat enough, which I'm guessing is enough to kill them.

Really sorry for your loss :((

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