Darwin Video:)

Do you and Pinkybird like your hawk heads? Do you find them to be a little nasty/nippy as I've heard they can be? Not being rude with that, just a special someone I'm wondering if he will stick around at the shelter until later in the year;)
Honestly ,mines the sweetest of my bunch [cuddles under my chin at night]. She loves my kids and Dave . Ive had her since she was a baby though .Shes the type of bird that just likes to hang out on you.
why dosent iit play!!!!! gosh my comp is so slow it takes forever to load. i really want to see it now- the way you all are talking about it. gosh!!
well, Terry- I have just fallen in love with your sweet sweet Darwin, oh my what a adorable soothing voice she has!

even if her crest is not up, she is gorgeous, and if her crest were to go up, that would just be the icing on the cake!!

you have quite the set up.....those birds are dearly loved by you, that is for sure!!
oh I forgot to add one thing, when I was playing the videos, you could hear your other birds chattering as well, Sunrise heard it too and started chirping away.
The one I saw is a male (so that may affect behavior) but the shelter website said in a sugar coated way that he's kind of mean. He's been there for at least 6 months. Still way not prepared to bring a second bird home and not sure how Kiwi would react to a second bird.
Darwin was parent raised, and then held back for breeding. She is 22 now.
She is such a sweetheart, and loves her scritches. Reg has gotten her to step up once, but not again yet - but it will happen:) She is not nippy, and even when she bites, it is more of a warning than anything.
I would agree with Pinkbirdy, she is one of our sweetest fids:)
How old is the HH in the rescue, April? I hope you end up getting him:)

@ Beth, Thank you! I wish you lived close so Sunrise could come for a playdate:)
All it says is he was with his first home for 16 years. Exotic Bird Rescue of Oregon, his name is Connor and he's under available birds. It also says, in nicer wording, he's kind of unpredictable. It does say he's more of a single bird, kind of like Kiwi, which would 100% be a requirement IF we ever got another bird (Kiwi is not social with his own kind). However, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts a crusade for me to adopt this guy, there is just no way possible I could do that right now or anytime in the near future. I do not have the space or landlords permission to have a second bird, nor do I have the ability to quarantine a new bird. That is why I hope since he's already been at the shelter so long, he might stick around a while longer. We do plan to start looking at houses at the end of summer/beginning of fall, so if that does end up happening, and IF he is still there, I may go meet him and see how he reacts to me. I was naughty and just couldn't help myself from checking out the "up for adoption" pages for local rescues when we moved up here and he just kind of stood out to me. I've been checking in to see if he's still there since:) I am saving money though, just in case it works out since he has a sky high adoption fee:11: But am also considering a tortoise instead of a second bird, so everything is very much what ifs and nothing is sure at this point. To be clear:)
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Connor is beautiful, and if it is meant to be it will happen. With everything they said about him, I think it is good you are taking time to make a decision about him, because whoever takes him will have some work to do to gain his trust.
I hope he finds a wonderful home, wish I was close!
@kiwibird I've been eyeballing several of EBRO's birds lol they have a Facebook page and do adoption meetings at various Petco locations --I haven't been to one yet though
A lot of the personality traits they list sound a lot like Kiwi, which is why he interested me. I think like minds may not clash when it comes to the feathery crowd. Though, I must VERY carefully consider if I want to go through "unsocialized Kiwi" all over again. My other consideration is a tortoise. Quiet, low mess, don't bite......... Am I crazy to still lean toward a parrot lol:)

@ Getwozzy- I don't do Facebook, but I have seen they do the adoption events. I was thinking over the summer, IF things are going in that direction, I may go take their class to get it out of the way. BTW- You're not eyeing Connor are you;) I saw him first! lolololol
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I've been waiting for them to do another event at Tualatin or Tigard because those are closer- I have considered becoming a foster home for them, but still thinking about it.

You can have Connor!! Lol I've been eyeballing Willy and Zsa Zsa :D
Darwin is adorable Terry :) Such a cute little voice.
Do you and Pinkybird like your hawk heads? Do you find them to be a little nasty/nippy as I've heard they can be? Not being rude with that, just a special someone I'm wondering if he will stick around at the shelter until later in the year;)

I've heard and read the same thing about Hawkheads, but it seems like it's the males who tend to fit more into that description. I've read they strike out like a snake. People who have females say they're fine.
I has seem Willie too. He looks like a sweet old man:) Don't see too many mealies around, and they are the gentle giants of the amazons.

I had to look up Zsa Zsa, but she sounds like one of those hyper smart treys.

They have their next event in Hillsboro. I must remain strong! That's only 15/20 minutes from me:11: And theres going to be a pet fair soon too in Portland. I must disconnect the battery from my car as to keep myself away from that:52:
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Haha disconnect the battery in your car! :D well, whatever you must do lol
Sadly the pet show is only dogs and cats. Luckily, that means the battery in my car remains connected:)
All it says is he was with his first home for 16 years. Exotic Bird Rescue of Oregon, his name is Connor and he's under available birds. It also says, in nicer wording, he's kind of unpredictable. It does say he's more of a single bird, kind of like Kiwi, which would 100% be a requirement IF we ever got another bird (Kiwi is not social with his own kind). However, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts a crusade for me to adopt this guy, there is just no way possible I could do that right now or anytime in the near future. I do not have the space or landlords permission to have a second bird, nor do I have the ability to quarantine a new bird. That is why I hope since he's already been at the shelter so long, he might stick around a while longer. We do plan to start looking at houses at the end of summer/beginning of fall, so if that does end up happening, and IF he is still there, I may go meet him and see how he reacts to me. I was naughty and just couldn't help myself from checking out the "up for adoption" pages for local rescues when we moved up here and he just kind of stood out to me. I've been checking in to see if he's still there since:) I am saving money though, just in case it works out since he has a sky high adoption fee:11: But am also considering a tortoise instead of a second bird, so everything is very much what ifs and nothing is sure at this point. To be clear:)
What a neat rescue !!! [I want the GWs ;)] Conner looks like a great bird [hes not even afraid of the camera!]
With my rehomes what has happened .If they stepped up and liked to be touched by the previous owner [they will most likely do it for for someone in the next household.] Conner looks like he would fun.:p

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