Convincing parents to take bird to vet, help?

I think the tail bobbing was just him shivering but i will keep note. he usually hs 2-3 sips of water each day and i change it daily
the only veg he eats is spinach and no fruits so far so is that alright? I can't take him out to check right now

You do not want to give too much spinach and you DO want to give veggies, maybe not? You need more variation and probably not spinach's healthy- but not as the only veg and not in large amounts.

Here is a good example of what sick tail bobbing looks like:
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I think the tail bobbing was just him shivering but i will keep note. he usually hs 2-3 sips of water each day and i change it daily
the only veg he eats is spinach and no fruits so far so is that alright? I can't take him out to check right now

You do not want to give too much spinach and you DO want to give veggies, maybe not? You need more variation and probably not spinach's healthy- but not as the only veg and not in large amounts.

Here is a good example of what sick tail bobbing looks like:

Alright, i tried giving him lettuce (we grow it so we know its 100% safe)
and he ignores it
do you know how to make them eat more vegetables n fruits?
It takes time-- just because you grow it doesn't mean it is safe if your parents use any insecticides of things like that on it--like, Seven Dust= not safe and very common in gardens.

Go easy on fruit- too much is not good. You would be far better off with veg than fruit.

To get them adjusted, you have to try over and over and over and eat some in front of them etc. For certain things, mine LITERALLY took years. You just have to keep trying.

Ice-burg lettuce is a low-nutrient vegetable that should be avoided, as it is tasty, but filling and kind of worthless.

you can try cooked, steamed raw etc-- my bird is weird--- she ate baked apples before she would eat raw ones (granted, fruit in moderation, and obviously, wait until the food is totally cooled)--act like it is really good and it it while they watch..
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It takes time-- just because you grow it doesn't mean it is safe if your parents use any insecticides of things like that on it--like, Seven Dust= not safe and very common in gardens.

We just grow them in flower pots and they keep dying and replanting themselves
what kind of lettuce?
is it very light green/white when you chop it and grows in a head?

Here's a video LOL! DK if it will help!
That doesn't look like iceberg..but hard to say because it's young looking. Either way- it looks pretty green, so hopefully that means there is more nutrition in it than standard iceberg, even if that is what you have there.
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So, the vet is open today and i just finished an online class
i'll see if i can call them right now or have to wait for my dad to come home
I just pretended to eat some lettuce and gave him it and he accepted it immediately :) i asked my mom specifically if its iceberg and she says no so its probably healthier

edit: mixed lettuce, spinach, pellets, and seeds for some "budget" chop lol he picks out some lettuce and doesn't know it has powder on it... or maybe he does cuz he licks it
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I just pretended to eat some lettuce and gave him it and he accepted it immediately :) i asked my mom specifically if its iceberg and she says no so its probably healthier

edit: mixed lettuce, spinach, pellets, and seeds for some "budget" chop lol he picks out some lettuce and doesn't know it has powder on it... or maybe he does cuz he licks it

I have LITERALLY put pellets in my mouth to prove to my bird that they were not poisonous LOL! I even pretended to eat them out of a bowl while working at the computer (like I would with something LESS healthy LOL!) The things we do....

It made her want to try them (RoudyBush brand) , but she still didn't like them, so your lettuce trick worked better than mine haha!
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I just pretended to eat some lettuce and gave him it and he accepted it immediately :) i asked my mom specifically if its iceberg and she says no so its probably healthier

edit: mixed lettuce, spinach, pellets, and seeds for some "budget" chop lol he picks out some lettuce and doesn't know it has powder on it... or maybe he does cuz he licks it

I have LITERALLY put pellets in my mouth to prove to my bird that they were not poisonous LOL! I even pretended to eat them out of a bowl while working at the computer (like I would with something LESS healthy LOL!) The things we do....

It made her want to try them (RoudyBush brand) , but she still didn't like them, so your lettuce trick worked better than mine haha!

lol:p i just kept holding pellets to her beak because she eats everything :p eventually she got the idea and eats powder form and sometimes solid ones! I actually chopped tons of baby spinach and lettuce with pellets and crushed it in a mortar because i'm not allowed to use the food processor? That only fit 2 icecube molds!
It's REALLY REALLY hard to see tail-bobbing when they are on a person because they have to shift their weight to stay balanced, which means moving the tail. The best way to see it is to look at them when they are on a still perch. That looked more like trying to balance etc -- but look at your bird when sitting still on something solid.

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