Conures and seafood?


New member
Apr 12, 2013
Green Cheek Conure
My green cheek loves everything we eat. he enjoyed and had fun playing and eating crawfish (after reading a ton of sites). Now i was wondering about other seafood? I was thinking shrimp? He will eat anything and everything we eat and if he doesnt like it, he will leave it alone. So I was curious if it is okay for him to eat shrimp, or crap, lobster, fish? I know not to season it for him, just leave it cooked as is.
I'm not sure about shrimp, but I know that salmon is ok in moderation. Whenever we have salmon I give Rosie some a small chunk, and will do the same with Kenji.
When we have shrimp everybody gets a piece. dog cat and birds. I do remove the shell. The same with lobster. Ditto for fish.:)
Great info...clears that up for me too. Token was staring me down when I had salmon the other night and i just didnt know if it was ok...thanks.
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haha, glad to see someone else feels the birds stare when ur eating. Tango just stares me down with his neck twisted in everyway possible as he tries to figure out how to get it. He is so relentless i feel bad haha
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now u say all seafood? u literally mean anything? fish, crabs, mussels, oyster, clams?
I don't discriminate, all my birds like to sample whatever's on the menu, including clams, though they've not had mussels...that I know of.....just don't have a fresh source.....

Last year a water moccasin slithered too close to my hedge trimmers & lost his head over it, so rather than waste a good meal...about 4.5 foot of meat, we skinned & boned him, then grilled seeds or pellets that night.....

Happy eating.....
I boil salmon for Boomer 2x a month. I think clams, shells and shrimps would make great foraging experiences. I've never tried them because I wasn't sure if parrots could eat them.
They all have their likes, my DYH loves Salmon, Tuna, white fish but doesn't like shrimp or lobster. While others prefer it
That's alright Sandy, you just tell Bosley to put all the shrimp & lobster he doesn't want into a freezer pak & send them down here, won't any go to waste.....
LOL, got to get it past me first.
I also wanted to add, can tuna is said to have toouch mercury. I am referring to fresh fish not canned in these statements
LOL, I had some shrimp and salmon the other night and Chloe my CAG was really wanting some but I didn't want to share because I want to eat it all!!!!! oink oink!!! Safeway had shrimp on sale and I bought 6lbs to freeze/eat later....I guess I can share ...sigh :p
If I would've known this I would've shared with Kayak last night! We had delicious fish and veggies on the grill. I'm so glad it's grilling season again. Some of the fish was cooked in the oven because my mom didn't want it on the grill. I'm sure Kayak would've loved it and probably fought me for some.
I really have to try more. I bought a book about conures and have been trying fresh food that they have listed. But they didn't mention any meats. So far only hot peppers, carrots, green peppers and some fruits. But Athena will want something just because I am eating it but as soon as she gets from me she drops it. Zeus is very funny about all foods.
Pritti likes shrimp and LOVES grilled or broiled salmon. Shrimp aren't in our house very often, so it's an occasional piece usually from home delivery of shrimp and broccoli (and I rinse off the sauce).
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one thing i know parrots love are hot peppers. i took a picture of my GCC eating hot peppers. he couldnt stop haha. they love them. but its good to know about seafood cause im trying to eat healthier, good to know tango can join me. cause man if i ignore him, he gives me some sad looks i didnt know birds could do. plus it hurts when he is holding onto my eyebrow trying to get food going IN my mouth
I know of a man that had gotten a dyh that was very overweight and he out it on a diet of salmon, a chop mix, hot sauce, And argh can't remember the other part, but it slimmed the bird down, he of course got the normal pellet and seed diet, but less an then more of this mix and he got the. I'd t eat healthy and drop a ton of weight so he could live a healthier life. It was a really interesting story and even though the bird has dropped all the weight he still feeds it this fresh diet as most of what it gets:p.
I try to share a little bit with my Blue (sun).. But share my lobster... No way lol.

If I give her something by hand she will sometimes drop it.. But once it has touched my lips she will it eat.... Women ;)

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