conure has become unmanageable.

You just need to hang on until puberty is over and done with, Push through, most time the nasty bad behavior of puberty (which they literally have little or no control over) will go away, especially if you have not allowed bad behavior to become habit!

ANd "trim" means clipping a small part of some feathers on his wings, just enough so he cannot get any altitude when trying to fly. Feathers grow back, so this would only be during his puberty.
I hope you're right about the behavior going away after puberty. We blocked the fridge so he couldn't get under it, and he was actually much better today. He wanted attention and cuddles and I didn't get any nasty bites...
I am not an expert in the matter as my bird hasn't yet reached hormonal age. but that definitely sounds like hormones. There are a couple things you can do such as keep him away from dark spots such as under furniture or in blankets, even remove all furry blankets in his reach. Also do not feed him any food that is mushy or warm as it mimics regurgitated food that his partner would feed them if he was in the wild. Also do not pat them anywhere other than their head and maybe feet, but do not touch their back as that will produce more hormonal instincts.

Best of luck
Thanks for the advice. I don't touch him except for his head mostly. We are trying to keep him from dark places, but it's difficult. He tries to get under all the furniture and's hard to block the whole house! I didn't know that about the warm food. I will keep that in mind.
Conures Require alot of time. And alot of your attention they, are curious and very very smart. Smarter than one would think. During Teekos Molting or his hormonal months, I could easily tell when it's time to back off a bit. And just allow him to do his thing. Wether it just be hanging out with me without all the touching and cuddling. Id let him come to me. I'll get him new toys to keep his attention. Because he loves shiny things. And he needs someway to release that extra bitting attitude. I've seen so many post where people are heart broken that they get bit or get "annoyed" with their birds. But if you aren't patient and quick to jump the gun a bird will be never be suitable for that person. Birds will be curious, and they do love dark places it's like "comfort" but they can easily get hurt or killed if no one pays attention to where they are at..taking that into consideration is a must.. just take time, and allow him to just be around you. And keep a close eye on him. And put him in a room safe from places to hide..don't attempt to handle him, just let him be. And you be you..Best of luck friend!
Conures Require alot of time. And alot of your attention they, are curious and very very smart. Smarter than one would think. During Teekos Molting or his hormonal months, I could easily tell when it's time to back off a bit. And just allow him to do his thing. Wether it just be hanging out with me without all the touching and cuddling. Id let him come to me. I'll get him new toys to keep his attention. Because he loves shiny things. And he needs someway to release that extra bitting attitude. I've seen so many post where people are heart broken that they get bit or get "annoyed" with their birds. But if you aren't patient and quick to jump the gun a bird will be never be suitable for that person. Birds will be curious, and they do love dark places it's like "comfort" but they can easily get hurt or killed if no one pays attention to where they are at..taking that into consideration is a must.. just take time, and allow him to just be around you. And keep a close eye on him. And put him in a room safe from places to hide..don't attempt to handle him, just let him be. And you be you..Best of luck friend!
Today he came to me and i was petting and scritching him and he seemed happy. Suddenly he just started biting me viciously. I don't understand why he turns on me like that. I got bit several times until i could put him in his cage. I can handle bites but these kind of bites are meant to do serious damage. My fingers are all cut up.
ok i think this was the last straw. I was trying to put some dishes in the dishwasher and he flew to my shoulder and tried to climb down to my hand. I instinctively knew he was going to bite me, so i shook him off, like I've done a million times before. He came back, so i went down the hall to the bathroom to remove myself from the situation. He followed me, and flew at my head and bit my ear. I tried to grab him and he savagely bit my hand. I can't take it anymore. I'm being terrorized in my own house. I'm crying as i write this because i feel there is no hope. It's escalating, no matter what i do.
ok i think this was the last straw. I was trying to put some dishes in the dishwasher and he flew to my shoulder and tried to climb down to my hand. I instinctively knew he was going to bite me, so i shook him off, like I've done a million times before. He came back, so i went down the hall to the bathroom to remove myself from the situation. He followed me, and flew at my head and bit my ear. I tried to grab him and he savagely bit my hand. I can't take it anymore. I'm being terrorized in my own house. I'm crying as i write this because i feel there is no hope. It's escalating, no matter what i do.
@mrs. brisby I'm so sorry this has happened!! Even at the worst with my Baci he never flew to attack me as bad as that, lucky for me he was a bit of a reluctant flyer! Before I had so much success with the "laddering" thing the other thing I was going to do was take him to my avian vet for a health check. Sometimes, just sometimes, really heightened aggression like this is a reflection of pain or illness they may be sufferering, we've seen it here on the forums before. At the very least a good avian vet is a WONDERFUL source of advice and info at a time like this, even if illness is not a factor. I would urge you to take him in for a check - I'm not sure where in the world you are or if you already have an avian vet (VERY important in a case like this that it's a bird specialist) but the link below might help you find one ...

I hope perhaps a vet is able to help you!!
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Today he came to me and i was petting and scritching him and he seemed happy. Suddenly he just started biting me viciously. I don't understand why he turns on me like that. I got bit several times until i could put him in his cage. I can handle bites but these kind of bites are meant to do serious damage. My fingers are all cut up.
Yes. That sounds like either hormones. Or he is molting. My gcc has been this way this month as well! No fret. Just keep doing what your doing, don't hold him. When he bites just say "no bite" or something along those lines and put him down. But it would be best keep it at a minimum
Yes. That sounds like either hormones. Or he is molting. My gcc has been this way this month as well! No fret. Just keep doing what your doing, don't hold him. When he bites just say "no bite" or something along those lines and put him down. But it would be best keep it at a minimum
what do I do when he comes to me to be held?
When my Quaker is in a “ mood” even if he asks for attention, I’ll talk to him but not touch him. I know in these moments he can change from sweet to chomping in a moment so I don’t want to invite a bite.
Thank you, I will try the laddering. How long did it take to break his aggression? I wonder if gloves would work.
A lot of people think gloves scare the bird and can make it worse. I prefer pulling my sweatshirt sleeves over my hands to protect them when necessary. If it's a sweatshirt you wear frequently he shouldn't be afraid of it.
When my Quaker is in a “ mood” even if he asks for attention, I’ll talk to him but not touch him. I know in these moments he can change from sweet to chomping in a moment so I don’t want to invite a bite.
when you say "mood" do you mean something that has gone on for weeks? lol
A lot of people think gloves scare the bird and can make it worse. I prefer pulling my sweatshirt sleeves over my hands to protect them when necessary. If it's a sweatshirt you wear frequently he shouldn't be afraid of it.
good idea. I might try that
when you say "mood" do you mean something that has gone on for weeks? lol
When I first got him it was about 8 weeks before I could touch him without him taking skin off. Since we’ve bonded, it’s just a grumpy day here and there. But I know it’s not exactly what you’re going through 🫤
my Andy just got over a hormonal phase(not puberty she soon will be 5!) it will get over quick but in the mean time just keep her away from dangerous spots=oven, fridge, microwave,etc and maybe give her/him a day or two to rest in the cage.
ok so I'm new here. Sorry to jump in immediately with a problem but I'm at wits end. This is my second gcc conure. We've had him about a year. He was bonded to me and would cuddle and want to be petted, and would occasionally bite, and I would put him in his cage or walk away. Suddenly, in the last month or so, he has become extremely aggressive. He bites if I try to get him to step up. He doesn't seem to care about getting attention much anymore. he just wants to run around on the floor and hide under the fridge or other dark places. So I 'm thinking he's hormonal, but he's become terrifying. If I try to get him out from under the fridge, he bites me really hard and draws blood. He bites me repeatedly until i can get him in his cage or get ahold of his beak. Getting him back in the cage is very difficult. I just had to have the fridge repaired because he chewed some wires under there. He's obsessed with it. I have no idea what to do anymore. Can anyone help? I really don't want to rehome him.
Don't feed him anything sweet, fruits etc.. I would duct tape some melamine strips to the bottom of your appliances he can fit under. You can buy a piece (or plexiglass) but melamine is more flexible). He's just growing up is all, good luck and with patience an the advice here, you'll get through it. So far the only bird of mine that hasn't gone thru this is my ringneck.
Yes, Baci would do that to me too, but I just stuck the band aids on the areas most likely to get bit, like my forefinger, and left it at that. In the mornings I'd generally let him get himself out of his cage and try to get him to step from the top of the cage, or the cage door, or the back of a chair, just to lessen the possibility of "cage aggression" where he'd be defending the cage as his territory. Once he realised he wasn't getting the same kind of "payoff" in the reaction he got from me every single time he bit me, he really didn't bite nearly as much. As you say, you're concerned that he'd still go for exposed areas of skin if you just wear band aids, the same would apply with gloves, he'd just go for areas further up the arm or elsewhere, plus the gloves would probably frighten him. I really do wish you all the best of luck! 🙏 🙏 🙏
People think I'm crazy cuz I won't get a gcc, every one I've met has grabbed and pierced my nose and won't let go and they scream. Nuh uh, no sir, not for me. And I have a DYH Amazon. So it's not beak fear, it's GCC fear!!!
People think I'm crazy cuz I won't get a gcc, every one I've met has grabbed and pierced my nose and won't let go and they scream. Nuh uh, no sir, not for me. And I have a DYH Amazon. So it's not beak fear, it's GCC fear!!!
oh wow
ok so I'm new here. Sorry to jump in immediately with a problem but I'm at wits end. This is my second gcc conure. We've had him about a year. He was bonded to me and would cuddle and want to be petted, and would occasionally bite, and I would put him in his cage or walk away. Suddenly, in the last month or so, he has become extremely aggressive. He bites if I try to get him to step up. He doesn't seem to care about getting attention much anymore. he just wants to run around on the floor and hide under the fridge or other dark places. So I 'm thinking he's hormonal, but he's become terrifying. If I try to get him out from under the fridge, he bites me really hard and draws blood. He bites me repeatedly until i can get him in his cage or get ahold of his beak. Getting him back in the cage is very difficult. I just had to have the fridge repaired because he chewed some wires under there. He's obsessed with it. I have no idea what to do anymore. Can anyone help? I really don't want to rehome him.
I just went through & am still a little bit-a hormonal male bird who turned into a little monster almost overnight. I did take him to the vet & he needed some milk thistle/dandelion lactulose solution because his liver values were a bit off, but other than that it was a major hormonal issue. This is what I did per my avian vet & it really worked well. Eliminate all high fat (limit nuts to one small piece a day, & limit seed), NO TABLE SCRAPS, eliminate all high sugar foods (sugary fruits, corn), & excess carbs (all potatoes, corn-again, pastas, beans) & all estrogenic foods from his diet (estrogenic foods are beans, green beans, cauliflower, soy-you can google what veggies, etc. are high estrogenic foods) from his diet. Super important-reduce the amount of daylight he gets a day & make sure he gets 12hrs. MIN. of dark/sleep time. 13-14hrs. is actually better. If he behaves too crazy when he's out (dive bomb flying you, flying at your face, attacking other pets, flying erratically where he can crash & injure himself), put him back in the cage. You may have to do this for a few days (I had to w/mine-like 3-4 days) before he mellowed out. Don't put paper on the bottom of the cage where he can try to rip it up for nesting (if he's doing that), put it under the bottom grate instead. Don't let him have sleep huts in the cage or any nest box type things. Block off the bottom of your fridge so he can't get under there. Put some cardboard, wood planks, something. That's super dangerous to let him get under there-he can electrocute himself on a wire. Get his wings trimmed so he can't go crazy w/the flying. I found that the diet adjustment during this time & especially the reduction of light hrs. started switching off his hormones in about 4 days & it made a huge difference. Mine went hormonally nuts after I was having to get him up a couple hrs. earlier than usual due to landscapers doing work. Just a couple hrs. more light can really get their hormones raging it seems. Try all that & in a couple weeks if he hasn't improved, you can get an anti-hormone shot at an avian vet. I believe they work for 3-6months & this is used if all other attempts fail. I haven't had to go that far yet, but he is still plucking some thigh feathers-which started when he went apesh*t. Fact I learned from the vet: male birds testicles are located on either side of their ureters. When they get hormonal, they can swell, which can start pinching off the ureters, causing them to start drinking tons of water & thus giving them polyuria (super watery poops). It can also cause plucking of the legs or lower back, because it's irritating them. This happened to my guy. Once his hormones went down, the swelling went down & he drinks normal amounts now. I had no idea about this. You can't visually see the testicles are swollen. It's a good thing to be aware of though. Good luck!
I just went through & am still a little bit-a hormonal male bird who turned into a little monster almost overnight. I did take him to the vet & he needed some milk thistle/dandelion lactulose solution because his liver values were a bit off, but other than that it was a major hormonal issue. This is what I did per my avian vet & it really worked well. Eliminate all high fat (limit nuts to one small piece a day, & limit seed), NO TABLE SCRAPS, eliminate all high sugar foods (sugary fruits, corn), & excess carbs (all potatoes, corn-again, pastas, beans) & all estrogenic foods from his diet (estrogenic foods are beans, green beans, cauliflower, soy-you can google what veggies, etc. are high estrogenic foods) from his diet. Super important-reduce the amount of daylight he gets a day & make sure he gets 12hrs. MIN. of dark/sleep time. 13-14hrs. is actually better. If he behaves too crazy when he's out (dive bomb flying you, flying at your face, attacking other pets, flying erratically where he can crash & injure himself), put him back in the cage. You may have to do this for a few days (I had to w/mine-like 3-4 days) before he mellowed out. Don't put paper on the bottom of the cage where he can try to rip it up for nesting (if he's doing that), put it under the bottom grate instead. Don't let him have sleep huts in the cage or any nest box type things. Block off the bottom of your fridge so he can't get under there. Put some cardboard, wood planks, something. That's super dangerous to let him get under there-he can electrocute himself on a wire. Get his wings trimmed so he can't go crazy w/the flying. I found that the diet adjustment during this time & especially the reduction of light hrs. started switching off his hormones in about 4 days & it made a huge difference. Mine went hormonally nuts after I was having to get him up a couple hrs. earlier than usual due to landscapers doing work. Just a couple hrs. more light can really get their hormones raging it seems. Try all that & in a couple weeks if he hasn't improved, you can get an anti-hormone shot at an avian vet. I believe they work for 3-6months & this is used if all other attempts fail. I haven't had to go that far yet, but he is still plucking some thigh feathers-which started when he went apesh*t. Fact I learned from the vet: male birds testicles are located on either side of their ureters. When they get hormonal, they can swell, which can start pinching off the ureters, causing them to start drinking tons of water & thus giving them polyuria (super watery poops). It can also cause plucking of the legs or lower back, because it's irritating them. This happened to my guy. Once his hormones went down, the swelling went down & he drinks normal amounts now. I had no idea about this. You can't visually see the testicles are swollen. It's a good thing to be aware of though. Good luck!
thanks for the advice. I started putting him to bed earlier, so we'll see if that helps. For diet, were you giving him mostly pellets?
ok so I'm new here. Sorry to jump in immediately with a problem but I'm at wits end. This is my second gcc conure. We've had him about a year. He was bonded to me and would cuddle and want to be petted, and would occasionally bite, and I would put him in his cage or walk away. Suddenly, in the last month or so, he has become extremely aggressive. He bites if I try to get him to step up. He doesn't seem to care about getting attention much anymore. he just wants to run around on the floor and hide under the fridge or other dark places. So I 'm thinking he's hormonal, but he's become terrifying. If I try to get him out from under the fridge, he bites me really hard and draws blood. He bites me repeatedly until i can get him in his cage or get ahold of his beak. Getting him back in the cage is very difficult. I just had to have the fridge repaired because he chewed some wires under there. He's obsessed with it. I have no idea what to do anymore. Can anyone help? I really don't want to rehome him.
thank you everyone for your help and suggestions. We started putting him to bed earlier to ensure he is getting enough sleep and dark time. The last 2 days he has been better behaved. No bites for 2 whole days! I'm relieved but still cautious. It's hard not to flinch when he lands on my shoulder, wondering if he will attack my ear again. I think I have ptsd now! lol

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