Conure Clicking Noise when Breathing


New member
May 24, 2022
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GCC 10+ Years old
Pineapple 2 years
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

I have a (we think) 2 year old pineapple conure. A couple of weeks ago he started making some occasional clicking sounds when breathing and sometimes a zipper-sounding noise. It almost sounds like his nose is stuffy sometimes. Seems to get worse on exertion and sometimes after eating. He also seems to be itching his nose more than usual.

He's otherwise his happy li'l self, eating, drinking and playing. He lost 3 grams but regained some after some extra millet and flax seeds. His poops are normal, they have always been on the firm side.

I've taken him to the vet twice now. They've looked him up and down and assured me everything looks/sounds fine. He didn't really make the noise at the vet's of course. The second visit the vet told me she may have heard something but she wasn't sure. They put him on Baytril but it doesn't seem to help. They flushed his sinuses and what he didn't swallow came out clear.

Any similar experiences?
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is it breathing noises or clicking? GCCS click when happy.....if it's a idk wheezing noise then I dunno. But if it's distinct bird is super chirpy derpy. If it's windy/ breathy then I'd worry. zipper sounding how? that can also go both ways....if its a grrrrrr or cororororororo kind of thing that's also good.
is it breathing noises or clicking? GCCS click when happy.....if it's a idk wheezing noise then I dunno. But if it's distinct bird is super chirpy derpy. If it's windy/ breathy then I'd worry. zipper sounding how? that can also go both ways....if its a grrrrrr or cororororororo kind of thing that's also good.
It's definitely a clicking coming from the lungs and occasional little wheezes deep in his body that I can hear when he's on my shoulder. The zipper sound was like a "zipzipzip" he'd make and he looked a little short of breath.

I was able to get him in to the vet today again. My hunch that he was getting worse was right and I'm glad I pushed for it as I was on the fence. He started to look lethargic later this morning and wobbly on his perch. They admitted him and he's there now. They called me and said he's stable and eating/drinking in an incubator. If he's stable enough tomorrow they'll send him for testing at the veterinary college.

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