Considerin re-homing a white-capped pionus.

Ashley, I can see that no one is putting you down or personally attacking YOU. Jen said it well, and summed up all of the collective concerns here, and WHAT the concerns are really all about. She said it in a really diplomatic and loving way too. I can tell that people like you too.

@ noblemacaw -
No Pionus do not have powder! :) My Raven is a Bronze Winged like in the video. I also had a Pionus before him. The powder birds are beautiful, but trust me, I wouldn't have a Pionus either if they were powder... and about the preen gland, you're right they don't have one, and I admit I haven't looked into how they preen without "anything" no oil OR powder, but what I do know is that Raven's feathers are soft and beautiful :) Baths help maintain it too.

Edit: Also a little FYI to think about Pionus Ashley... As Pionus are close Amazon relatives, they aren't ALWAYS as "easy" to deal with as you will typically read about. In articles it is stressed how 'easy' they are because that is COMPARED in general to much harder to deal with species. I can tell you my Raven is not always the easiest guy to deal with.
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Raven..thank you so much for posting more information about the Pionus. I do really like this species and really wanted to look into getting one. It has been a few years since I handled a Pionus with the last one being a WCP. Back then I didn't have the breathing problems I do now and unless I can "test" it out by handling/being in same room as Pionus I just don't know. Your post does give me hope for the future though.

As with always I would suggest being around the species you are interested in learning about. Experience is the best teacher.

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