Clipped Budgies


Active member
Apr 13, 2023
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Houston, Texas
Turtle (my sister's budgie. Let's be real, I'm taking care of him)
Elvis (budgie)
Olive (budgie)
Niki R.I.P (budgie)
A couple weeks ago I got a budgie from a pet store to be friends with my other budgie, Elvis. They got along great, but she's clipped and he's flighted.
I know people clip their budgie's wings to keep them safe from household dangers, but Olive can't fly very well because of it and the first time I let her out she flew straight into a door, and then repeated the process several times. I'm scared to let her out now because she might get hurt, but I have no idea when she'll molt and grow new feathers. She's still relatively scared of me. I'm scared she's not getting enough exercise and is very sad when I let Elvis out.
What can I do?
A couple weeks ago I got a budgie from a pet store to be friends with my other budgie, Elvis. They got along great, but she's clipped and he's flighted.
I know people clip their budgie's wings to keep them safe from household dangers, but Olive can't fly very well because of it and the first time I let her out she flew straight into a door, and then repeated the process several times. I'm scared to let her out now because she might get hurt, but I have no idea when she'll molt and grow new feathers. She's still relatively scared of me. I'm scared she's not getting enough exercise and is very sad when I let Elvis out.
What can I do?
She will learn how to navigate the room even if her wings are clipped. You just need to supervise her closely. I trim my budgies wings slightly to prevent them from flying too high in the room where I can't retrieve them. They can still fly. Your new budgie's wings are probably severely clipped preventing her from flying much at all. It could be months until her wing feathers are all replaced and I wouldn't wait that long to let her out and try to tame her. A fully flighted untamed budgie that's scared can really hurt herself flying fast around a room hitting walls and windows. And chasing her around trying to get her back in her cage is very stressful on the budgie and the owner. I would keep taking her out now and try to tame her while her wings are still clipped.
A couple weeks ago I got a budgie from a pet store to be friends with my other budgie, Elvis. They got along great, but she's clipped and he's flighted.
I know people clip their budgie's wings to keep them safe from household dangers, but Olive can't fly very well because of it and the first time I let her out she flew straight into a door, and then repeated the process several times. I'm scared to let her out now because she might get hurt, but I have no idea when she'll molt and grow new feathers. She's still relatively scared of me. I'm scared she's not getting enough exercise and is very sad when I let Elvis out.
What can I do?
In addition to what Donna said, trying to tame and bond with a frightened, flighted budgie is hard! Take advantage of her condition now to try and build up that trust so essential to parrot taming and bonding. FIgure out her fav treat, reserve that for training and taming. Build up some equity in what I call the "trust bank". Always consider your actions with the parrot - does this build or destroy trust? As Donna said, chasing a budgie around to get her back in the cage - trust buster!
Kind of what Wrench13 said, I rescued 6 budgies after clark died. A group of four that the family needed the money.....and a group of two that basically were (I think) breeding for side income. The 4 fully flighted budgies are....amicable and nice but distant usually, sometimes I can handle them. The two that I got from another owner were clipped when I got them. As they failed to fly I used to pick them up and put them on the cages again. .........In that they seem to trust me more. I let their wings grow out, all are fully flighted but that initial "I will rescue you from the floor" bond seemed to carry over so I can boop their beak and even get them on my shoulder sometimes to hang. I honestly think if I hadn't have gotten the sun and GCC together that are totally into me, and can be jealous, those budgies would be shoulder birds now. We hang often when the bigger birds are distracted. I keep them flighted so they can escape a jealous bigger bird but use that time to bond and rescue is my recommendation.

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