Clicking sound non-stop from 20 day old cockatiel


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Feb 11, 2024
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We got a cockatiel at 20 days old. We’ve only started feeding him a21 nutribird formula overnight and then this clicking noises happened. Should we be worried? Is this respiratory distress from aspiration? How to do homemade remedy before going to the vet?

Video: Baby Cockatiel clicking sound
We got a cockatiel at 20 days old. We’ve only started feeding him a21 nutribird formula overnight and then this clicking noises happened. Should we be worried? Is this respiratory distress from aspiration? How to do homemade remedy before going to the vet?

Video: Baby Cockatiel clicking sound
The "click" you're hearing is the sound of air moving over fluid most often in the syrinx.
We got a cockatiel at 20 days old. We’ve only started feeding him a21 nutribird formula overnight and then this clicking noises happened. Should we be worried? Is this respiratory distress from aspiration? How to do homemade remedy before going to the vet?

Video: Baby Cockatiel clicking sound
There *may* be a home remedy for this, but I'm not sure there is one, and please know that none of us here are avian vets. However a clicking sound could well be an indicator that food has inadvertently made it's way into your bird's lungs, and as such if this was my bird I'd be trying to get in to see my vet as soon as I could. Just in case you don't have one already, or you need to try to find an after hours service, the following link may help ...

I hope your little one will be ok 🙏 🙏 🙏
Hope everything is ok ❤️
Yes, we’re alive! 😊

Clicking sound was apparently gurgling sound of sour crop.

So far, here’s what happened… putting it here in case someone gets to search in the future and needs help (Vet, Antobacterial and Papaya Cream were our key)

1st day: ave weight at 70 g

12nn - sour crop flush at the vet

2:30PM - fed on 1cc 1:3 applesauce/water ratio.

3:30PM - fed 1.5cc on 1:1 applesauce water ratio

8:30PM - 5 hours already and 1/8 of squishy water crop there. ER vet advised to still give meds of 0.1cc metrodonizale and 1cc of 1:1 applesauce water ratio

2nd day: 59.5g - lost 9 grams - 13cc total feeding

7AM - crop emptied, 2cc feed.

Throughout the day: Unfortunately, crop did not completely empty every 2-3 hours. A bit of lump say 1/8 of watery squish was left. We were only able to do 13cc feeding all throughout the day until 12:30am every 2-3 hours / 7 feedings.

3rd day: 52.5G - lost 7 grams - 28cc total feeding, crop massage in between

7AM: 1/8 crop left. Fed antibiotics and 2cc. Massaged crop. Deflated.

8AM: 3cc feeding and start of crop

Message between feedings from hereon

10AM: after 2 hours, crop emptied, Increased it to 4cc

12:30am: crop finally deflated with just like 1/16 there if he is sitted upright but totally deflated when you turn him. Did 4cc.

4PM: 4cc applesauce:water, 1:1 solution

8PM: 4cc with 1/4 formula and 3/4 apple sauce

11PM: 4cc with 1/4 formula and 3/4 apple sauce

4th day: 47g - lost 5 grams, keel bone felt, 25cc total feeding, more a21 than applesauce, crop massage in between

7AM: empty crop, 5cc on 1/4 apple sauce and 3/4 a21

11AM: 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted

3PM: 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted

11PM: took 8 hours for crop to be 1/8 empty, 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted (however more applesauce than the 3PM)

5th day: 48.5g, 1.5g weight gain, keel bone felt, 25cc total 1:1 applesauce

7AM: empty crop (crop was observed empty at 6AM with no massage needed), 4cc given, regurgitated, crop contracted, vomited. Cleaned cage and observed dried sputter stuck on the wall.

Rushed to the vet. 3cc crop flushed. New antibac of cotrimoxazole (gram stain has more bacteria but not sure if anaerobic or not so changed meds) and bene-bac probiotics (poop has a lil bit of bacteria more then usual). Back to 1:1 applesauce water for today.

8:30:am gave 3cc after sour crop flush

10:30am: 0.5 notch probiotics

11:30AM: 6cc

3:30PM: 1/8 crop left, antibiotic + 4cc

Note - 6:30pm crop emptied after massage, heard clicking/gurgling and food breaking apart while massage

7PM: antibiotic + 5cc

  • same noises during massage -
12AM: 6cc

6th day: 43.7g, lost 4.8g, keel bone felt, 25 half/half applesauce to formula very diluted @1:6.5

7AM - antibiotic + 5cc

12NN - antibiotic + 5cc

3:30PM - probiotic + 5cc

6PM - 1/8 crop left, 5cc

9PM - still has crop but very hangry, antibiotic + 5cc

Was supposed to do 12nn feeding but still has crop, sister decided not to

7th day: 46 grams, gained 2.3g, keel bone felt, 26cc 1/2 spoon applesauce to 1 spoon formula, 1:4 water ratio, diluted

7AM - antibiotic + 5cc

10AM - probiotic + 5cc

1PM - 5cc

4:30PM - 1/8 crop left, antibiotic + 5cc

12AM - antibiotic + 6cc (more applesauce and water)

8th day: 42 grams @12:30pm, lost 4g, went to the vet thought crop is not yet empty in the morning, keel bone felt, 25cc, 1:5 water ratio, diluted

12:30pm - 8cc applesauce and water as suggested by vet, antibiotic, antacid, vet said he is fine aside from high phosphorous with blood work done (antacid given), bacteria is less and crop that small is ok to feed again

4PM - probiotics

6PM - 8cc papaya sauce (vet gave go signal) and water, antibiotic

11PM - 9cc 1/4 papaya + 3/4 formula, antibiotic, antacid

9th day: 48g, 6g gained, 30cc

7AM - antibitoics, 8cc full formula @ 1:5, very full, does not want to open beak for antacid so skipped

10AM - probiotics

12NN - antibiotics, 7cc 1/4 papaya + 3/4 formula @ 1:5, regurgirated and backed away, antacid

5PM - 7cc papaya/formula

11PM -antibiotics, 8cc papaya/formula, regurgitated a little, antacid

10th day: 51.7g, gained 3.7g, 36cc

7AM - antibiotics, 8cc full formula, antacid

9:30AM - probiotics

11AM- antibiotics, 10cc full formula

5PM - 10c papaya/formula, antacid

12AM - antibiotics, 8cc 1:1 papaya/formula bec still had crop

11th day: 54g, gained 3.7g , 40cc

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, antacid

12NN - probiotics, 10cc full formula

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc full formula, antacid

12AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula 1/4 papaya: 3/4 formula (last transition)

12th day: 57.3g, gained 3.3g, 40cc, full formula, diluted

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, antacid, regurgitated a little

12NN - probiotics, 10cc formula

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, regurgitated a little

11PM - antiobiotics, 10cc formula, formula spilled, antacid

13th day: 60.3g, gained 3.3g, 40cc, full formula, 1:4.5 now, lots of urine

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc, antacid

12NN - probiotics, 10cc

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc

11PM - antibiotics, 10cc, antacid

9th day of antibiotics. Prescribed is 7 days. Last day today.

14th day: 77.3g after 10cc (forgot to weigh on empty crop so this is probably 67g), gained 7g (?), still lots of urine observed (maybe from antacid?, last day today), 38cc full formula 1:4

7AM - 10cc, antacid

10AM - probiotics

12NN - 10cc

5PM - 10cc

11PM - 8cc, regurgitated already, antacid

15th day: 67.7g, none gained presumably, no more meds, only probiotics, a lot of urine observed, 40cc full formula @ more pancake batter consistency

7AM 10cc

10AM probiotics

12NN 10cc

5PM 10cc

11PM 10cc

16th day: 73.3g, gained 5.6 g, lots of urine still observed, 40cc full formula @ 3.5 water or pancake batter consistency

7AM probiotics, 10cc

12NN 10cc

5PM 10cc

11PM 10cc

- we will be going back to the vet on the 29th if all is well
Yes, we’re alive! 😊

Clicking sound was apparently gurgling sound of sour crop.

So far, here’s what happened… putting it here in case someone gets to search in the future and needs help (Vet, Antobacterial and Papaya Cream were our key)

1st day: ave weight at 70 g

12nn - sour crop flush at the vet

2:30PM - fed on 1cc 1:3 applesauce/water ratio.

3:30PM - fed 1.5cc on 1:1 applesauce water ratio

8:30PM - 5 hours already and 1/8 of squishy water crop there. ER vet advised to still give meds of 0.1cc metrodonizale and 1cc of 1:1 applesauce water ratio

2nd day: 59.5g - lost 9 grams - 13cc total feeding

7AM - crop emptied, 2cc feed.

Throughout the day: Unfortunately, crop did not completely empty every 2-3 hours. A bit of lump say 1/8 of watery squish was left. We were only able to do 13cc feeding all throughout the day until 12:30am every 2-3 hours / 7 feedings.

3rd day: 52.5G - lost 7 grams - 28cc total feeding, crop massage in between

7AM: 1/8 crop left. Fed antibiotics and 2cc. Massaged crop. Deflated.

8AM: 3cc feeding and start of crop

Message between feedings from hereon

10AM: after 2 hours, crop emptied, Increased it to 4cc

12:30am: crop finally deflated with just like 1/16 there if he is sitted upright but totally deflated when you turn him. Did 4cc.

4PM: 4cc applesauce:water, 1:1 solution

8PM: 4cc with 1/4 formula and 3/4 apple sauce

11PM: 4cc with 1/4 formula and 3/4 apple sauce

4th day: 47g - lost 5 grams, keel bone felt, 25cc total feeding, more a21 than applesauce, crop massage in between

7AM: empty crop, 5cc on 1/4 apple sauce and 3/4 a21

11AM: 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted

3PM: 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted

11PM: took 8 hours for crop to be 1/8 empty, 6cc on little applesauce and a21 diluted (however more applesauce than the 3PM)

5th day: 48.5g, 1.5g weight gain, keel bone felt, 25cc total 1:1 applesauce

7AM: empty crop (crop was observed empty at 6AM with no massage needed), 4cc given, regurgitated, crop contracted, vomited. Cleaned cage and observed dried sputter stuck on the wall.

Rushed to the vet. 3cc crop flushed. New antibac of cotrimoxazole (gram stain has more bacteria but not sure if anaerobic or not so changed meds) and bene-bac probiotics (poop has a lil bit of bacteria more then usual). Back to 1:1 applesauce water for today.

8:30:am gave 3cc after sour crop flush

10:30am: 0.5 notch probiotics

11:30AM: 6cc

3:30PM: 1/8 crop left, antibiotic + 4cc

Note - 6:30pm crop emptied after massage, heard clicking/gurgling and food breaking apart while massage

7PM: antibiotic + 5cc

  • same noises during massage -
12AM: 6cc

6th day: 43.7g, lost 4.8g, keel bone felt, 25 half/half applesauce to formula very diluted @1:6.5

7AM - antibiotic + 5cc

12NN - antibiotic + 5cc

3:30PM - probiotic + 5cc

6PM - 1/8 crop left, 5cc

9PM - still has crop but very hangry, antibiotic + 5cc

Was supposed to do 12nn feeding but still has crop, sister decided not to

7th day: 46 grams, gained 2.3g, keel bone felt, 26cc 1/2 spoon applesauce to 1 spoon formula, 1:4 water ratio, diluted

7AM - antibiotic + 5cc

10AM - probiotic + 5cc

1PM - 5cc

4:30PM - 1/8 crop left, antibiotic + 5cc

12AM - antibiotic + 6cc (more applesauce and water)

8th day: 42 grams @12:30pm, lost 4g, went to the vet thought crop is not yet empty in the morning, keel bone felt, 25cc, 1:5 water ratio, diluted

12:30pm - 8cc applesauce and water as suggested by vet, antibiotic, antacid, vet said he is fine aside from high phosphorous with blood work done (antacid given), bacteria is less and crop that small is ok to feed again

4PM - probiotics

6PM - 8cc papaya sauce (vet gave go signal) and water, antibiotic

11PM - 9cc 1/4 papaya + 3/4 formula, antibiotic, antacid

9th day: 48g, 6g gained, 30cc

7AM - antibitoics, 8cc full formula @ 1:5, very full, does not want to open beak for antacid so skipped

10AM - probiotics

12NN - antibiotics, 7cc 1/4 papaya + 3/4 formula @ 1:5, regurgirated and backed away, antacid

5PM - 7cc papaya/formula

11PM -antibiotics, 8cc papaya/formula, regurgitated a little, antacid

10th day: 51.7g, gained 3.7g, 36cc

7AM - antibiotics, 8cc full formula, antacid

9:30AM - probiotics

11AM- antibiotics, 10cc full formula

5PM - 10c papaya/formula, antacid

12AM - antibiotics, 8cc 1:1 papaya/formula bec still had crop

11th day: 54g, gained 3.7g , 40cc

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, antacid

12NN - probiotics, 10cc full formula

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc full formula, antacid

12AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula 1/4 papaya: 3/4 formula (last transition)

12th day: 57.3g, gained 3.3g, 40cc, full formula, diluted

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, antacid, regurgitated a little

12NN - probiotics, 10cc formula

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc formula, regurgitated a little

11PM - antiobiotics, 10cc formula, formula spilled, antacid

13th day: 60.3g, gained 3.3g, 40cc, full formula, 1:4.5 now, lots of urine

7AM - antibiotics, 10cc, antacid

12NN - probiotics, 10cc

5PM - antibiotics, 10cc

11PM - antibiotics, 10cc, antacid

9th day of antibiotics. Prescribed is 7 days. Last day today.

14th day: 77.3g after 10cc (forgot to weigh on empty crop so this is probably 67g), gained 7g (?), still lots of urine observed (maybe from antacid?, last day today), 38cc full formula 1:4

7AM - 10cc, antacid

10AM - probiotics

12NN - 10cc

5PM - 10cc

11PM - 8cc, regurgitated already, antacid

15th day: 67.7g, none gained presumably, no more meds, only probiotics, a lot of urine observed, 40cc full formula @ more pancake batter consistency

7AM 10cc

10AM probiotics

12NN 10cc

5PM 10cc

11PM 10cc

16th day: 73.3g, gained 5.6 g, lots of urine still observed, 40cc full formula @ 3.5 water or pancake batter consistency

7AM probiotics, 10cc

12NN 10cc

5PM 10cc

11PM 10cc

- we will be going back to the vet on the 29th if all is well
Wow, what a challenge!! Kudos to you for your commitment! Good luck to you both! Keep us posted!

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