Ciry - my new B&G

Maybe at that time she didn't need as much. I noticed you wrote on an earlier post that Ciry started to not want to eat, Nema did the same thing! I added some organic baby food and she loved it. It changed everything. Now she is eager to eat and she also has been eating more and more on her own. I think tasting some butternut squash and such made her seek out other foods. Nema will do just about anything for blueberries now. The vet said brocolli is really good for them.
Update post:

Hello again! It has been few weeks since I have informed you about Ciry's health condition and other stuff, so here is the hottest news :)

She has beed doing really well, I think that her heart problem is getting better and better, I have beed giving her her medicine everyday, and she is not doing her "sound" that much when I am feeding, and it is better overall :)

Sad thing is, that she probably totally lost trust in other people, the first week or two we had her, she was being SO MUCH friendly to every person, but after those two VET visits, where they took her blood for testing, it was very bad. On 18.12. we went to our parrents house for christmas (still here) and since then she has beed totally scared of both my parents and everybody else. I thought that it is because of change of environment and other stuff, so we gave her a few days, but even now she runs away from them (but she would take a treat from them, hehe) I also tried something I am not so sure I should have done, and that was give my mum one siringe to feed her, and it went just great, she had no problem taking it from her :) Well maybe after our next visit, she wont be so afraid of them (I noticed it is getting SLIGHTLY better).

We have made a VERY strong bond so far, she just loves being with me, and trusts me completly, I can do almost anything with her :) Most funny thing was today, I would just hold her beak softly and like (how to describe it ...) grabbed her wing SOFTLY but very fast, and she would scream and I would scream, but it was not a bad scream, we were just playing and she knew that - she was in here play mood, so for like 5 min we were just screaming on each other :D She loves kissing with me, she would just cling down her cage onto my desk and completly lick me :D And she started to eat fruit and veggies from her bowl very nicely, sometimes she eats it to the very last bit. She bits here and there during the day, but mostly when I put her for her night sleep, then (after her usuall 5 min screaming) she dives her head into the bowl :)

Her flying is excellent. Sometimes she bites me too hard when we play, but I am trying to show her the limits. No blood yet :) And I stopped to give her formula, now I mash and mix soaked pellets into the siringe, and she loves it !

Also sometimes I notice a cracking sound insode her, mostly when she is on her back and breathes in, it kinda "cracks" (not like cracking bones, dont worry :D ) and it sounds horrible, guess it has something to do with the heart problem, but normally she doednt do it.

Uhhh dont know what to say anymore... when I think up something, i will edit it in.
Thank you so much for the update. I'm all smiles here! It's SO good to hear that Ciry is doing so well, and that you are having so much fun with her. :) Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship.

Pictures would be AWESOME....hint..hint... ;)

And in case we don't hear from you beforehand, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Snuggles for Ciry. :)
Hey! I was wondering how you were doing, glad to hear all is going well. I bet once you get home and back to your regular routine she will return to her loving social self. I bet she is stunning flying around, I can't wait till Nema doing the same.

4 months old and she has this eyes! : ))

What do you have for me? : ))




She likes her christmas present :)
Wow! She's a looker!!!!!
Aw, too sweet!!! She has Baby Eyes!!!! I still call mine that.
Thanks for the update and for Ciry's pics, Johnny! Ciry is such a sweet and beautiful baby B&G :). You're taking very good care of her and I think she's a lucky bird to have you as her caregiver. I'm really happy to hear that Ciry's health is improving :)! For the past several days I've actually been thinking about her and wondering how she's doing. I'm so glad you've let us know :blue1::)
I just found this thread & just got finished reading the whole thing. I am so very glad that Ciry came through her health issues with flying colors~~~that is, macaw flying colors~~~

There were a few times of reading this that I wasn't sure I wanted to go to the next post. I was afraid of what I would read, but it makes me warm all over to know she is healthy & growing into a beauty. Ciry is gorgeous in her pics. Here's hoping she never has a problem with her health again!
Thanks a lot guys :)

I have a question:

Every time at night, when I put her to her cage for sleeping, she starts climbing around the cage and screaming constantly. Sometimes she goes silent for a minute, but when she hears something, she starts again, that goes for about 30-90 minutes every night. I do not know wxactly how to handle this (if there is a way...)
What would you advise me to do?
When you put Ciry to bed, is the room dark and quiet, or is there still a whole lot of commotion going on?

I'm only asking because there was a time Niko would be really restless when I initially put him night night. He never screamed, but he would climb around for a good while. I now put the bird room (adjacent to living room) in as much darkness as possible, and avoid making much noise after my fids are tucked in. This, and covering my Amazons' cages makes them all fall fast asleep. As soon as their lights go out now, all you hear is the birds grinding their beaks contently...drifting off to sleepy land. :)

Also, what time do you put her to bed? Many Macs vocalize at dusk and dawn, so that could be a factor as well. :) All of mine are in bed by 8:15PM.
I put her into cage at around 9pm, when I do that I turn off the lights and cover the cage so she cannot see us, because we are sometimes walking by there. We are trying to not do any noise by then, so not a whole lot of commotion going on :) The room is not entirely darkened, but it is quite dark :)

I know that she doesnt like her cage, because she is in there only when she goes to sleep, and when we go out, so she is alone there and I guess she doesnt like it. She starts climbing around, simetimes screams and so on, but it doesnt last very long. I just dont know if she screams at night because she wants my attention, or she want to go out, or just their natural behaviour at night ?? But why would she scream qhen she hears something then? Guess she really want to go out :p
My gut tells me that Ciry is trying to train YOU. ;) She's trying her very best to get your attention so that you let her out again.

I would honestly completely ignore her, especially if she's already covered up. :)

They are SO smart, aren't they?
Hehe yes they are... That is what I was thinking, she is just trying to outsmart me hehe.

And ignoring her is what I have beed doing this past two weeks or so, so maybe a little more time and it will get better :)
Hello again,
here is a video I took today - it is dinner time ! The reason behind this is, that the Ciry has eaten all of her tablets, like one week ago. By that time she was doing better and better. But past few days, I think it got worse again. I am not sure, so I would like to know your opinion, if it got better/worse or is still the same.

[ame=]Feeding 5.1.2013 - YouTube[/ame]
She looks GREAT! She also looks to have gotten SO much bigger. :eek: I honestly didn't hear the same sound that concerned us earlier. :)
Just for fun, I took a video of Ciry's rampage a few moments ago :D I wonder, is it the same at you guys? Or better/worse? :D And that other noise apart from screaming is her, climbing around the cage, lol :D

(the video is of course dark, because the light are off)

[ame=]Screaming at bed time - YouTube[/ame]
:D:D Noise? What noise? :D:D

Ciry sounds GREAT!!!! There is NO other noise other than her climbing around and squaking! AWESOME!!!!!

You must be SO very happy.
Macaws are VERY smart!! (also devious, plotting, challenging, tenacious, trouble making, hard headed, poopheads :D) I wouldn't have it any other way. ;)'Welcome to the wonderful world of raising Macaws, it is certainly an enjoyable, enlightening experience. I need to find my "Macaw Rules" and post it for you!! LOL :54::D

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