Check out some of what I have drawn, painted, and some coloring pages I have filled in!

Does the music box make nice music?

Did you trim Cricket's talons yourself? My budgies (the ones that come out and land on us a lot) tend to get overgrown nails snagged in our clothing and then struggle trying to get their feet loose so they have to be trimmed at the vet. Even though I can easily handle them to do it myself, it requires two people (holder and trimmer) and I worry about trimming too close and hurting them.

Some people are like multi-layered Onions than others are one dimensional- I prefer the Onions, myself.
Yeah! It’s pretty nice!

Yup! And holy cow it was easy. I could see the quick and it was so easy. It wasn’t as easy as Rico though, since she understandably kicks more than Rico does. But it went quicker than Ice and Tea’s talons used to.

Onions are like people: they are both scrumptious according to this guy
Yeah! It’s pretty nice!

Yup! And holy cow it was easy. I could see the quick and it was so easy. It wasn’t as easy as Rico though, since she understandably kicks more than Rico does. But it went quicker than Ice and Tea’s talons used to.

Onions are like people: they are both scrumptious according to this guy
View attachment 53764
So, did you hold Cricket in a towel when you trimmed her nails? Did you use a human type clipper? Do you file the edges? Did she get pissed at you? I ask because I need to trim Beau's nails and I don't want to have to take him to the vet to do it. I can easily hold him still while I do it and he has pale pink feet so I can see the quick easily vs Rocky who has deep blue feet.
So, did you hold Cricket in a towel when you trimmed her nails? Did you use a human type clipper? Do you file the edges? Did she get pissed at you? I ask because I need to trim Beau's nails and I don't want to have to take him to the vet to do it. I can easily hold him still while I do it and he has pale pink feet so I can see the quick easily vs Rocky who has deep blue feet.
I wonder, do budgies have ticklish feet?
So, did you hold Cricket in a towel when you trimmed her nails? Did you use a human type clipper? Do you file the edges? Did she get pissed at you? I ask because I need to trim Beau's nails and I don't want to have to take him to the vet to do it. I can easily hold him still while I do it and he has pale pink feet so I can see the quick easily vs Rocky who has deep blue feet.
I just used a shirt since I couldn’t find a towel, but it works the same.

I use bird nail clippers, as they are much easier than regular clippers, as you have more pressure control and precision.

I didn’t use a file, but if I do a weird angle on Rico’s talons and I’m unsure about the quick, I’ll sand it with a file slightly and let him go and give him a treat.

Yes, she was pretty mad about it. She was mad for a few days, but she’s coming back around. First bird who’s held a grudge, tbh.

I’ve never gone to a vet for a trim since it’s not necessary in my case, and we don’t want to be charged 50$ for a trim, or run the risk of my birds getting injured at one vet clinic nearby with a reputation of animal abuse *cough**couch*
Just a little WIP 👀

What am I drawing? Who am I drawing? No one knows! Is it from L4D? Uh…… perhaps… definitely. Definitely from L4D.
Here’s the stinkeroni before I color him in.

He’s the 2nd best Special Infected in L4D! He may not be the stinky boyo that has been featured on this thread, several times (cough cough, Hunter cough cough), but he’s very much a stinkeroni indeed.


Ref image, in case you’re wondering.

(L4D2 Smoker)

It took 1.5 hours to complete, but, here is our very smoky, very stinky, very tonguey, and very mutated smokah. Poor guy.

B&G Macaw!

Also, don’t mind the comic you can kind of see through the paper.
You know rico_tiel you are drawing beautiful birds that I'd pay money for a print of some.... and alien zombie people.....there are people you can talk to....Just saying.

Draw the budgie... I love the cricket ones..Just not the budgie with tenticles....

(he's totally gonna draw cricket with tenticles isn't he....)
You know rico_tiel you are drawing beautiful birds that I'd pay money for a print of some.... and alien zombie people.....there are people you can talk to....Just saying.

Draw the budgie... I love the cricket ones..Just not the budgie with tenticles....

(he's totally gonna draw cricket with tenticles isn't he....)
Thank you!!! And also… AcKsHuAlLy ThEy ArEnT zOmBiEs ThEyRe iNfEcTeD! tHeY bAsIcAlLy HaVe RaBiEs!!!111!1!!!1!

Mentally sick, but the markers are thick 💅

Oh you sweet summer child, you just gave me an idea 🥰💅

(Also, it’s *she ;) )
You know rico_tiel you are drawing beautiful birds that I'd pay money for a print of some.... and alien zombie people.....there are people you can talk to....Just saying.

Draw the budgie... I love the cricket ones..Just not the budgie with tenticles....

(he's totally gonna draw cricket with tenticles isn't he....)
Its happening :)

Rico_tiel I hate you.

I knew you'd do it, I called it.

Post more cricket instead....I have to erase this image from my mind.

I drew a budgie face on my finger lol

She’s done! Thoughts?

Edit: Credit to clark_conure for the idea. They said “don’t draw a tentacle budgie”, which was really saying “do it.”. So, I did it 🥰

Also, they aren’t tentacles, they’re tongues. And her name is Tonguer.
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Budgies are not cthulhu monsters!!!!!!!!! This is an abomination to all budgie are a blasphemer! AND NO RED EYES!

Why do you encourage her.....DonnaBudgie...(calling you out on this....) no red eyes.

Also Vampire_conure...the same.

BLASPHEMY!!!! Budgies are sweet birds that just live in the moment. Are not evil demons!

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