Check out some of what I have drawn, painted, and some coloring pages I have filled in!

Soooo my L4D obsession has gotten very VERY bad. It’s arguably worse than my ARK obsession 🤪

And as a result, I have gone ✨insane✨ with the art. And I am mega obsessed with the hunter because it’s my favorite special infected. Soooo I’ve just been drawing the hunter 💅

Well, anyway, ART DUMP TIME!


So this is like when you play as the hunter on Versus mode.


Some hunter sketches. The top one is the hunter’s attack. Basically the hunter pins a survivor and claws at them. I am aware of how questionable it looks.

This next one is a painting based on the L4D1 menu. The song that plays with the menu screen and the dark theme to it made me just WANT to paint it. This is what it’s based on:

And this is the painting:

It’s darker in person, I swear


Another hunter sketch ofc


A charger sketch


And a l4d1 smoker drawing. I did use Isismasshiro’s L4D1 smoker for reference for the hair and facial shape.

So far, that’s all I got. We JUST got more paper, so I’m back to aggressively scribbling at night.

Before I abandon this thread once again, I’ll just drop a bird piece so you can have a mild L4D escape.


Rico and cricket! Anyway, adios!

I drew the L4D1 Hunter and I’m super proud of it!

Here’s what the stinky rabid man looks like in game:


I’ve never really drawn facial hair, so, how'd I do?


A comic I gave up on before I even started, so it just gets worse 😭💀
Bill gets grabbed by a smoker, Francis goes “lol”, gets pounced by an ugly ahh hunter, gets mauled, Louis finds the PEELZ, Zoey, looking like she was drawn by a 1st grader, asked Bill and Smoker where the effort went, and they shrug.


Random dude I saw in my nightmares


Mildly different art style (I can’t draw budgies in my current style 😭)


Testing the art style for Rico. I don’t hate it, honestly. Still looks like my usual style, but with a facial style change.



And this cute snow globe/music box my brother found at a thrift store and bought for me! Ik, it’s not my art, but I felt like it was worth showcasing anyway!
View attachment 53720
I drew the L4D1 Hunter and I’m super proud of it!

Here’s what the stinky rabid man looks like in game:

View attachment 53721
I’ve never really drawn facial hair, so, how'd I do?

View attachment 53722
A comic I gave up on before I even started, so it just gets worse 😭💀
Bill gets grabbed by a smoker, Francis goes “lol”, gets pounced by an ugly ahh hunter, gets mauled, Louis finds the PEELZ, Zoey, looking like she was drawn by a 1st grader, asked Bill and Smoker where the effort went, and they shrug.

View attachment 53723
Random dude I saw in my nightmares

View attachment 53724
Mildly different art style (I can’t draw budgies in my current style 😭)

View attachment 53725
Testing the art style for Rico. I don’t hate it, honestly. Still looks like my usual style, but with a facial style change.

View attachment 53726
View attachment 53727
And this cute snow globe/music box my brother found at a thrift store and bought for me! Ik, it’s not my art, but I felt like it was worth showcasing anyway!
How is that Mama bird going to feed its baby trapped in a glass globe in the dead of winter?
Now I'm going to have to worry about the baby!
Scary how realistic AI art is getting!
And they are getting more and more realistic each day! Super cool but also so bizarre… there’s so much AI art that’s been created that AI will copy the art created by other AI. It’s so strange.
How is that Mama bird going to feed its baby trapped in a glass globe in the dead of winter?
Now I'm going to have to worry about the baby!
They’re drowning

Thank you! I quite enjoy looking at other people’s works as well!
Whoever designed that music box obviously wasn't a real bird person. Oh well, your brother was very sweet to get it for you and I'm glad you shared it with us. Does it make pretty music?

How is that 'lil Cricket doing? Any flight feathers yet?
I LOVE your painting of her- your L4D1 Hunter- not so much (subject matter). Hard to believe the Cricket art and gore art come out of the same artist. You must truly be a human onion. 🧅
These are my favorite art pieces! (Excluding the Astronymphicus, it already got its own page)
So, here is what I have done!

2. Blue and Gold Macaw
3. Harlequin Macaw
4. Palawan Peacock Pheasant
5. Lutino Cockatiel
6. Cockatyvern (Cockatiel Wyvern)
7. Military Macaw
8. Blue Footed Booby
10. Galah Cockatoo
11. Some random dragon
12. Shamrock Macaw
13. Quaker Parrot
14. Ricochet my Whiteface Cockatiel
15. Wolf Skeleton
16. Flamingo
17. Eclectus (hen)
18. Hyacinth Macaw
19. Common Raven Skeleton
20. Wild Cockatiel
Amazing skills you got there! Keep going!^^
Whoever designed that music box obviously wasn't a real bird person. Oh well, your brother was very sweet to get it for you and I'm glad you shared it with us. Does it make pretty music?

How is that 'lil Cricket doing? Any flight feathers yet?
I LOVE your painting of her- your L4D1 Hunter- not so much (subject matter). Hard to believe the Cricket art and gore art come out of the same artist. You must truly be a human onion. 🧅
He really was, and it chills right next to my fan! It adds color to my desk, really! And as much as I fear music boxes, this one isn’t all that scary, really. It’s quite pretty actually, although the time of day really depends on it. At night, it becomes quite spooky.

She’s doing great! I trimmed up her talons since they were getting overgrown and starting to snag my skin since they were so sharp. Sadly no flighties yet, but she has dropped a wing covert! So I’m hoping it’s a sign of a molt.

Thank you! I’m pretty proud of it! And yeah, I definitely get that lol, not everyone is obsessed with rabid grown men who jump around and scream hahaha

Oh lord, you shoulda seen my 5th grade drawings… they were really gorey. The L4D ones aren’t all that bad, but my old drawings were like… concerning. Although, I was a broody little emo who thought it was cool to draw stuff like that.

they say you are what you eat… and I like onions… so, perhaps I am an onion.
Some of them have inspired me,no no im serious,can I remake them?!
Aw heck yeah! That’s so awesome! I’d absolutely love to see remakes of them!
He really was, and it chills right next to my fan! It adds color to my desk, really! And as much as I fear music boxes, this one isn’t all that scary, really. It’s quite pretty actually, although the time of day really depends on it. At night, it becomes quite spooky.

She’s doing great! I trimmed up her talons since they were getting overgrown and starting to snag my skin since they were so sharp. Sadly no flighties yet, but she has dropped a wing covert! So I’m hoping it’s a sign of a molt.

Thank you! I’m pretty proud of it! And yeah, I definitely get that lol, not everyone is obsessed with rabid grown men who jump around and scream hahaha

Oh lord, you shoulda seen my 5th grade drawings… they were really gorey. The L4D ones aren’t all that bad, but my old drawings were like… concerning. Although, I was a broody little emo who thought it was cool to draw stuff like that.

they say you are what you eat… and I like onions… so, perhaps I am an onion.
Does the music box make nice music?

Did you trim Cricket's talons yourself? My budgies (the ones that come out and land on us a lot) tend to get overgrown nails snagged in our clothing and then struggle trying to get their feet loose so they have to be trimmed at the vet. Even though I can easily handle them to do it myself, it requires two people (holder and trimmer) and I worry about trimming too close and hurting them.

Some people are like multi-layered Onions than others are one dimensional- I prefer the Onions, myself.

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