Celltei Pack-O-Bird Backpack Small


New member
Jun 29, 2017
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Montreal, Canada
Pineapple/cinnamon green cheek conure
Hey everybody, I have a Celltei Pack-O-Bird backpack for sale. It's still in excellent condition because I haven't been using it much. I used it for my green cheek conure Echo. It's a golden coloured one. I'm selling it for $200 Canadian dollars.

Is anybody interested in it?

You can find photos of it at the following link (to an add I posted on Kijiji):
why are you looking to sell it if I may ask?
Because I'm not using it anymore. I don't have a bird anymore. I broke up with my partner last year, and he kept Echo, our green cheek conure, because I had to start working full time, so couldn't take care of Echo anymore. My ex partner doesn't want the pack-o-bird.
Is your pak o bird still available?
That's a good price, someone should grab it.
Not likely to hear anything on this one. Post is more than 2 years old, and OP hasn't been back since.
Talk about wishful thinking!!
That’s is overly priced anyways you can get cheaper on Amazon
That’s is overly priced anyways you can get cheaper on Amazon
it's really cheap for a pak-o-bird, which is of much much better quality than the ones you find on amazon.

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