Canary Winged Parakeet

HI TsunanisMom , You said you and your vet think she is a girl. How do you know? My two are 6 mo's old, now too, and I'm seeing little differences in them. I don't know if the differences have any thing to do with being boy or girl. They sure do like attention, their fruit and veg's. They do not like to be put back in their cage. That is the only time they bite me. Because I don't know if their are boy or girls, I call them BOO 1 & BOO 2.
HI TsunanisMom , You said you and your vet think she is a girl. How do you know? My two are 6 mo's old, now too, and I'm seeing little differences in them. I don't know if the differences have any thing to do with being boy or girl. They sure do like attention, their fruit and veg's. They do not like to be put back in their cage. That is the only time they bite me. Because I don't know if their are boy or girls, I call them BOO 1 & BOO 2.

Hi. It's really just a guess based on how far apart her pelvic bones are. The vet says that sometimes you can tell a female because the pelvic bones are father apart for the passage of an egg. of course the only really was to tell is by surgical testing or DNA testing which I did not have done. If we are wrong, I guess she is a boy named Tsu!

By the way Tsunami's first words were "No bite." She rarely bites, but we let her know with one little shake and a firm "No bite." early on so she picked that up quick. :-)
hi everyone, lovebirds here, have a question, BOO 1 & BOO2 my canary wings, love their bath. they really don't fit in their bath very well. i want to give them a really good bath, but am afraid of them getting chilled. SHOULD I DRY THEM OFF, OR LET THEM DRY THEMSELVES. i wiil make sure there is no draft. THANKS
hi, lovebirds here, my 2 canary wing parakeets are very loving, they are 7 mo.s old now ,they are becomeing very processive of their cage. when i go to their cage they try to bit me. i know they don't like to be put back in, but even when i go to let them out, they try to bit me. help! what is going on?:(
We may be looking to place a canary-wing we got out of a bad situation in a Petco with someone who has another brotogeris (canary-wing, grey-cheek, tui, orange chin, etc.) Please let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks!
Ladybrady, you might want to start a thread on the rehome forum - and put your location in it, so people know where you are.
I was in the process of getting a sun conure. But now I'm having second thoughts. Who do I blame for this? An EXTREMELY sweet female canary wing parakeet that stole my heart. I have never met a bird as sweet as her. She literally steps up into any stranger's finger and loves to cuddle with anyone that approaches her which in my opinion is not very common with these type of birds. I am seriously considering buying this sweet little girl. The problem is I already reserved a sun conure from a breeder (no down payment yet). I bonded so much more with this little canary wing than I did with the sun conure. Also, my mother already owns a 13 year old male canary wing (nowhere near as friendly) so I am familiar with many of the characteristics and how loud they can be.

I really don't know what to do. I feel bad about the sun conure but that canary wing stole my heart. If I had the space I would get them both but I already have a parrotlet and a green cheek conure so 4 cages would just be to much for me. If anyone could give me any advice I would appreciate it. I could really use it.
Does anyone here have a canary winged parakeet? I met one today. Upon first look I thought it was a green quaker but it had yellow on the wings and a different face than a quaker. Very cute and sweet but I've never heard much about them.
I have a canary winged parakeet,lady was selling him for $25 and even tho i wasn't looking for another bird I just couldn't pass up the price and she actually gave it to me for $22.
Lady said the bird didn't like women,well she didn't give the bird a chance,if she only knew what a little sweetie it has turned out to be.
My bird is claimed to be about 5 years old...not too loud but loud enuf when it wants to be with me.
I'm working with my little greenie every day and it seems to be paying off.
Please anyone out there,what greens and fruits do you advise for my little one?
:green2: I have a canary winged parakeet..lady was only asking 25 for it,didn't want another bird but for the price I couldn't pass it up Women who sold it to me said it didn't like women,well she was sooo wrong and I am glad she was..and ya..she gave it to me for $22.00 off I went with my birdie.
Working with it everyday now..don't know if I can get it to talk but it doesn't have to..its sweet just the same.Kinda loud only when it wants to fly to me.other that that its a little green cute.
Anyone out there could you please tell me what fruits and veggies your greenie likes..I am relatively new to this type bird and do need some help.

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