Cage cleaning ?

What do you mean ? I got the perch from the pet store . I Think they regurgitated on it , it looks like baby mush . Could a bird regurgitate and miss ?

Looks like "gurgies" (regurgitation) to me. :) What do you mean "miss?"

I'm with wharf on cage cleaning. 2 Amazons + 1 Mac, and I clean their cages each and every morning. Once a week I do an extra thorough scrubbing, where I actually remove the grates and wash BOTH sides of them. Oh, and the walls needs to be scrubbed once a week as well, since food flinging is hobby of all my birds, especially fresh fruit or soft foods, which stick the the walls like superglue. :11:
Well, Pepsi and sprite are not going along that well. Sprite loves Pepsi but he's not interested. Sprite wants to preen Pepsi , and sleep with him but Pepsi just gives him a small nip and flys away. I think sprite was regugitating for Pepsi but he pulled his mouth away. They are having some bonding issues, I got them from the same place so I didn't need to " introduce " them. I know when I first got them they were buddies and always preened each over and regurgitated. I wish I could hire a cage keeper for birds, that way I'd don't have to clean up gurgies.
That's odd it doesn't have a pull-out tray. That makes cleaning *so* much easier. For the tray at least. I have a conure and a grey and the conure makes *way* more of a mess than my grey. If it were me I would try to look into a cage eventually that makes cleaning easier and more accomodating to doing it more often. I myself have a cage I want to replace. My conure is in a large teil cage and I want more of a parrot type cage for him with a playtop and "seed" guards. He is such a messy thing.
Me too, I want a little more proper type of cage. The cage I have for Pepsi and sprite is a cockatiel cage made by petco, the one for parakeets was way smaller .
I would get them an easier cage....when I pick the them was an important part of that decision. You'll be so glad that you did!
I never thought about spraying Pam....I may have to try that.
I hate to tell you this, but I just cleaned two bird cages in about 10 minutes. I use poop off--it works GREAT. I also strategically place their perches so that they aren't pooping on stuff. I use a paper towel with a bit of oil on it and go over the grate on the bottom of the cage--poop comes cleanly right off. I line the bottom of the cage with old papers my kids have drawn on. The cages get a thorough cleaning once a month, but even this only takes about 1/2 hour. I would ditch the litter--messy and useless. For our larger birds, I use puppy pee pads. They absorb everything and are a snap to pick up and throw away. By the way, you can order the Poop Off online and save a bundle. I buy large containers and then put it in small spray bottles for ease of use.
That cage should have 2-3 parts for the bottom... the base, the tray and the grate. The tray should easily pull out from the base of the cage and the grate to go above that... and then the 'top' of the cage that has tabs that fit into slits in the base of the cage... so that you can separate the top (all wires) from the base (all plastic).
I love that Poop-off.....I use it all the time. Just let it sit a bit and come back to it w/ a bucket of hot water w/ some vinegar, scrubby brushes and a drop of Dawn.

I also took the grate out of my CAG's cage since that was the hardest part to clean and he never really goes down to the bottom part. This won't work on most birds though since they'll get into their poop to play down there or tear up the paper.

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