Bumble-ing Along

Thank you! We do our training soon after I come home from work. She was doing the hoop really well last night until I grabbed my phone to get video. Then she just wanted to look at me sweetly. Haha little monster.

She steps up any time she's offered my finger, so I'm trying to remember to put a command with it. She also flies to me when I move away from her, so that's become a little part of our routine too so she learns recall. When we're done with training (just a few minutes) we move to play time where I toss food and toys on the table and myself and she chews on things while she sits on me. Then we move on to skritches while I hold her in my hand. Last night she very clearly let me know it was time for skritches by ducking her head, then giving me a little beak when I tried plain skritches. I picked her up and put her in skritch position and she almost immediately started peeping and grinding her beak while I sing to her [emoji177][emoji177]

I'm having so much fun getting to know her and learning to recognize what she's trying to tell me. She is super communicative and it's rewarding when I get trained to listen LOL.

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You are a good parrotlet slave. Sooooo sweet, how can you not obey?
You are a good parrotlet slave. Sooooo sweet, how can you not obey?

Hahaha hat about sums it up! I'm feeling guilty right now because I'm running errands after work and I didn't let her know I'd be home late. Never mind that half of the errands are for her! Haha!

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Oh yeah, if you have a routine time for something or if your going to be away, always let your parrot know in advance, ie: "I will be home by ****** " or " I will not be here tomorrow". Believe me , it will help tone down her attitude when she sees you next. When I am going to be away for a weekend with the band, or even just late in getting home, if I have neglected to inform Salty, he gets a major mad at me, which can last for a few hours to a few days. Explaining to him in advance always prevents a hissy fit ( unless I have broken one of the other 'rules').
Oh yeah, if you have a routine time for something or if your going to be away, always let your parrot know in advance, ie: "I will be home by ****** " or " I will not be here tomorrow". Believe me , it will help tone down her attitude when she sees you next. When I am going to be away for a weekend with the band, or even just late in getting home, if I have neglected to inform Salty, he gets a major mad at me, which can last for a few hours to a few days. Explaining to him in advance always prevents a hissy fit ( unless I have broken one of the other 'rules').

I try to do that - I've read your posts about it. I do it with the dogs too so it's an easy habit. Despite her not expecting me to be out late tonight, she was very happy to see me and our training play time went well - until I kept her out past her bedtime. So cranky! Ummm what are the other rules? [emoji23][emoji23]

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Bumble just continues to enchant and amaze me. She's so smart and she's really getting me well trained! This week part of our evening routine has been that I turn on the tap in he kitchen and hold my hands under to make a little pool. She drinks from it and from the tap and seems to really enjoy it. Well, tonight she took the plunge and stuck her head in and took a little mini-bath. She looked so funny afterwards!

I also got her a little birdie playground today (in hopes that she doesn't have to be ON ME the entire time she's out of her cage LOL) and she climbed right up the ladder like she's been doing it all her life. I put her on the swing and I couldn't tell if she liked it or if she was freaking out trying to figure out how to get off of it. Just as I was about to rescue her, she managed to hop off. She was striking some cute poses on that thing!



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I am 99% sure Bumble is mimicking kissy noises [emoji33][emoji7][emoji8][emoji170][emoji170]

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Bumble continues to settle in. When she's in her cage, she flies from toy to swing to toy and it's fun to watch her play and discover things. She lets me hear more and more of her vocalizing. When she's out of her cage, she wants to be on me almost nonstop.

We're still working on the walking through the hoop trick. She does it perfectly WHEN she wants to. We're also working on recall - since she flies to me anytime I stand up, might as well give it a command and practice it.

Today she gave me a lesson in bored-birdie. I stayed home from work so we were sitting on the couch and I was (stupidly) trying to read my book and just let her move from hand to hand and up almost to my shoulder and back to my hand and she was being really nippy, which is unusual. So I gave up on the book, put her on the table and started a training session. She chirped and chirped and did her tricks and was so happy! After a few minutes, she wanted skritches and fell asleep on my finger, one leg up all all. I melted! And told her I was sorry for being so boring.

She also continues the super-charming habit of singing her little head off while I nap. I faked it for a little today, and there are definitely kissy noises in her song. I hope she decides I can hear them when I'm awake too!

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Keep with the training Bumble! Salty wants to see new videos.

Bumble got some skritches


Shared my banana


And either committed a very bloody murder or are a blackberry [emoji23]

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Oh my, she just keeps getting cuter - love the blackberry face!
I'm going with blood murder!

She needs your help hiding the bodies. [emoji23][emoji23]

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Got a little video of her tricks. It's not great, and I left it unedited so it's a record of her progress. You can't see that she lands on my arm as requested at the end, so you'll have to trust me. [emoji4]

[ame="https://youtu.be/XjsCOwelXos"]Bumble's Trick Practice - YouTube[/ame]

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She's such a quick learner, so impressed!!
That's a major "Awwwwww" moment! :)

Golly Bumble ( I just love her name too lol) is soooo tiny..the very beginning of the vid when she went running to you put a big :D on my face.

Bumble is learning so quickly in such a short time. Whatever you're doing,keep it up..obviously it's working!
Thanks for sharing!!!


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