Budgie talking


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Feb 6, 2015
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This is Harry doing his thing.
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvr5Gp9fpvY"]Harry the budgie talking - YouTube[/ame]
Aww, so adorable! And he talks very clearly. My little boy is going that way, but he doesn't speak with such clarity yet. :) Thank you for sharing!
Harry usually isn't very clear when he first says something, but I repeat things back to him and he gets better with practice.
There is another video linked to Harry's talking video (I think it's Hungarian) that starts off showing a hatching budgie chick that has part of it's shell removed (pulled off by a human).....if you're ever faced with doing this you need to be sure that the shell has not dried and be very, very careful as pulling off the shell can pull off a section of skin or worse.....

Fun video clip of Harry talking.....
There is another video linked to Harry's talking video (I think it's Hungarian) that starts off showing a hatching budgie chick that has part of it's shell removed (pulled off by a human).....if you're ever faced with doing this you need to be sure that the shell has not dried and be very, very careful as pulling off the shell can pull off a section of skin or worse.....

Fun video clip of Harry talking.....
Yeah I know the video you mean. I don't really know what's up with other videos auto-loading after I watch one, seems to be a new thing on YouTube? but I certainly had nothing to do with linking to anything, I just posted a video.
How old is he? When did he first start talking?
He was born?hatched? July or August last year, so he's somewhere around 7 months old I guess (correct my math if necessary.) I've had him since October. He was talking the first week I had him. Maybe because I'm a blabbermouth who never shuts up, so he started talking in self-defense.
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Maybe because I'm a blabbermouth who never shuts up, so he started talking in self-defense.
LMAO!!! :18: Me too! (unless I'm reading this forum)
I love it!!
My budgie has never showed an interest in bonding with us humans, but loves the other birds. I was thinking maybe they're more inclined to talk when bonded with a human? Twigs isn't interested in our language!
I love it!!
My budgie has never showed an interest in bonding with us humans, but loves the other birds. I was thinking maybe they're more inclined to talk when bonded with a human? Twigs isn't interested in our language!

Conventional wisdom is that lone birds tend to be better talkers, and I think this is because it's in their nature to communicate, and a bird will adapt to human communication if that's all there is available.

I might get Harry a companion in future. It's not my mission to have the talkiest budgie in the world... I just want him to be happy. He seems happy, but I've always been conflicted about keeping a bird alone.
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I'd love to get Twigs a friend of his own kind. His budgie friend who was purchased at the same time passed away last summer, so now he hangs out with Raven and Griffin. They tolerate him, and Griffin occasionally likes him, but I think it's more ideal for budgies to be with their own kind.

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