Breeding Season


May 31, 2020
Reaction score
San Juan Cosala, MX
Mealy Amazon - George
Double Yellowhead - Fred
Maximilian's Pionus - Pancho
Blue Ringneck - Kramer
Military Macaw - Abulardo
Red-Lored Amazon - Lucy
Did not have to act as an Amazon sex toy this morning! Could the season be coming to an end? She is still being a total asshole though.
Hens are kinda like human chicks... some are in the mood seasonally/occasionally, and some are party girls.
Love what you got, boxer!
Yeah, the season has barely begun in our house. Poor Baxter is back to her relentless shredding/nesting behavior again. She's never been like that until this past fall. Aaaaaaaand it was bad. Like 3-4 months of that, plus constantly having her way with the cage bars. Better then than me I suppose. I felt so bad for her, but what ya gonna do? 🤷 At least she's otherwise herself, and not bitey or aggressive, so I can live with that. Pick your battles, right?
In our house, mating season started mid Dec, and is still going strong. This is an odd year, as Salty has exhibited some new behavior not seen in previous mating seasons. Initially, the mood swings were really bad and being exceptionally loud (and long). That has calmed down a lot but now, he is relentlessly seeking out dark hiding spots around the house and humping all his toys. We have cardboard boxes and sheets of wood blocking up so much stuff in our house its almost comical. Almost.

Don't worry - This Too Shall Pass

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