Breeding Season


May 31, 2020
Reaction score
San Juan Cosala, MX
Mealy Amazon - George
Double Yellowhead - Fred
Maximilian's Pionus - Pancho
Blue Ringneck - Kramer
Military Macaw - Abulardo
Red-Lored Amazon - Lucy
Did not have to act as an Amazon sex toy this morning! Could the season be coming to an end? She is still being a total asshole though.
Hens are kinda like human chicks... some are in the mood seasonally/occasionally, and some are party girls.
Love what you got, boxer!
Yeah, the season has barely begun in our house. Poor Baxter is back to her relentless shredding/nesting behavior again. She's never been like that until this past fall. Aaaaaaaand it was bad. Like 3-4 months of that, plus constantly having her way with the cage bars. Better then than me I suppose. I felt so bad for her, but what ya gonna do? 🤷 At least she's otherwise herself, and not bitey or aggressive, so I can live with that. Pick your battles, right?

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