Breeding Green Cheek Conure Mutations – Need Advice!


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Mar 8, 2025
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GCC turquoise, opaline, pineapple, lutino, dilute, suncheek all high red
Triba Conures
Hey everyone! I have a Turquoise, Suncheek, Opaline, Lutino, Pineapple, and Dilute Green Cheek Conure. I’m looking to mix different mutations together and can be flexible with the genders of each. If I breed them, could I get any new mutations? Or is there a way to work toward a specific one by pairing them strategically? Would love to hear your thoughts! 😊
How many green cheeks do you have? Breeding different mutations together results in some very pretty color varieties. There's a lot of information online about all the mutations and combinations of mutations. Avian Resources website has pictures of many color varieties with the mutation combinations used to achieve each color. Google avian resources green cheek conures and the page will come up.
The Feather Tree has a website with a lot of detailed info on mutations and combinations.
I have one of each mutation i listed , i checked the feather tree they have the known mutation, i was wondering if i mix for example a turquoise with a suncheek both pure gene will i get a new mutation or color
Look at the Avian Resources Green Cheek website. A huge amount of selective breeding of green cheeks has resulted in many cool varieties similar to how budgie breeding has resulted in countless mutation combinations. Green cheeks are easy to breed which made it all possible. Many of the green cheek mutations have budgie equivalents that are inherited the same way, like cinnamon, opaline, and dilute. According to Avian Resources,
Sun cheek is a combination of Dilute, Cinnamon and Opaline (pineapple aka yellow sided) mutations.
They say If you cross with Turquoise you get Opamint. They have great pictures and each picture has what mutations are combined to achieve each one. Just about every combination of mutations has already been done with beautiful interesting results.
I have one of each mutation i listed , i checked the feather tree they have the known mutation, i was wondering if i mix for example a turquoise with a suncheek both pure gene will i get a new mutation or color
pure Turquise male x pure suncheek female would have 100% normal kids (no mutation). So, kinda "new" but nothing special
In your case getting opamint (mentioned by Donnabudgie) is impossible because you would need to have another bird with the turquoise gene. Just one isn't enough to get any turquoise combination

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