So my one 7 year old parrotlet has had this issue for a long time. So about two months ago i started to hear my bird breathe like whistle. Ive Said this before on this forum but i dont know what is cuasing this. She doosent seem sick at all. Sometimes i just hear her breathe. She is not having her mouth open, No tailbobbing No discharge, No changes in poop and voice. She is playful wagging her tail when she sees me. But this issue stared as she is also moltig. But its just weird if she was sick she would show symptoms but it has been a while and No symptoms at all. I want to call a vet but my parents wont let me. Whe have a humidifier tho. She breathes like this after she has taken a chill moment, and after she is active agin i hear this whistly noise.