Boomer So Far (Lots of Pics!)

Wow, beautiful bird and beautiful cage setup!

Can I ask where you got that Pack a Bird? I would love to do this with my little guy!

Thanks! It's called Celltei Pak-O-Bird. You can buy it directly from the manufacture which is what I did. I recommend buying it from a dealer though because there might be a better deal on offer. Just google the name. Good luck!

Thanks a ton! Is it reinforced? For instance if someone ran into me would my birdie get squished?
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Kalidasa: My bad, yeah I do have the small. Haha my poor memory. Small was the recommended size for conures so I got it but I wished I got the next size up (yours) because it seemed like the tip of Boomer's tail dragged on the towel i would pad the bottom with. I might have to seriously consider getting a bike now :D

Nap sack: It is only reinforced by flexible, hard plastic frames. Totally squishable in the wrong circumstances. I've never had a problem though. As a backpack carrier that is always moving to your body, you don't want any hard structure in there anyway for your bird's safety :)
Kalidasa: My bad, yeah I do have the small. Haha my poor memory. Small was the recommended size for conures so I got it but I wished I got the next size up (yours) because it seemed like the tip of Boomer's tail dragged on the towel i would pad the bottom with. I might have to seriously consider getting a bike now :D

Nap sack: It is only reinforced by flexible, hard plastic frames. Totally squishable in the wrong circumstances. I've never had a problem though. As a backpack carrier that is always moving to your body, you don't want any hard structure in there anyway for your bird's safety :)

Sounds great, i'll just stay away from people like Ray Lewis. Think it could fit 2 small green cheeks?
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They won't be able to move as much nor access the food bowls stationed on each side, but doable. Would not recommend to have them in there longer than 1 hour due to the space though
That's a fantastic setup! Boomer is a very stunning bird. You obviously take excellent care of him. :)

Out of curiosity, what do you have stashed in the foraging wheel? Is that shredded paper?

Edit: LOL, I just noticed that question was already asked. That's what I get for not reading through the thread first.
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Kalidasa: My bad, yeah I do have the small. Haha my poor memory. Small was the recommended size for conures so I got it but I wished I got the next size up (yours) because it seemed like the tip of Boomer's tail dragged on the towel i would pad the bottom with. I might have to seriously consider getting a bike now :D

Nap sack: It is only reinforced by flexible, hard plastic frames. Totally squishable in the wrong circumstances. I've never had a problem though. As a backpack carrier that is always moving to your body, you don't want any hard structure in there anyway for your bird's safety :)

Sounds great, i'll just stay away from people like Ray Lewis. Think it could fit 2 small green cheeks?

2 green cheeks could fit in there, for say an emergency or vet visit if they're comfortable with each other but agreed with Boom it would be a tight fit for anything else. I'm pretty sure a size Large however might work for 2. :)
Boomer is simply stunning! I love the pics where he's wet. :D

The pak-o birds is awesome! Much safer, especially with hawks around. Your cage set up is fantastic. Such a paradise you have for him with his rain forest, too!

Sunny HATES his harness. Once it's on, he's okay, but some days he flies off and no way am I getting it on him, lol.

Sunnies are very special birds.
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  • #29
Wow! what a lucky birdie :)

I love the photos of him in the foliage with the playstand. And what an amazing cage set up! I'm inspired!
I have to say, as silly as it is for an almost 43 year old woman.....I still go to Gilbert's Pet of the Day page and it makes me smile EVERY SINGLE TIME. :) Go for it Boomer!!! Conure Power. haha
I have to say, as silly as it is for an almost 43 year old woman.....I still go to Gilbert's Pet of the Day page and it makes me smile EVERY SINGLE TIME. :) Go for it Boomer!!! Conure Power. haha

I agree that Boomer needs to be nominated Pet of the Day. I seen Gilbert's pet of the day page. I also know what you mean since seeing Captain Jack's Pet of the Day page makes me smile.
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Beautiful pictures and beautiful bird!
Because of Boom Boom, Boomer and this wonderful thread, I did finally buy the small pak-o-bird.

The GCCs aren't fazed by it, but Sunny still has his suspicions that it's some sort of perch wielding monster out to get him, lol.

Thank you, thank you for your wonderful thread. It has helped bring more happiness to my flock! Now if it would only stop raining on my days off, maybe I could actually use it. :D
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  • #38
Hey, Phoebe! I just saw your post! Congratulations on the new pak-o-bird! You sound so excited - as well you should be! You will get a looooot of mileage with this, I promise. The cost justifies the rewards. It's the next best thing to an aviator harness. I prefer the freedom of an aviator harness but Boomer hates it with every fiber of his being. As for Sunny being wary of it, just let him see the pak-o-bird around the house, on the floor, on the table, with the GCCs playing in, for as long as it takes until he gets bored by its presence. Don't even take him to it yet, nor make him acknowledge it. Just act non chalant around it. He'll come around. I realized that when I rushed the aviator harness on Boomer, I really ruined my chances in him trusting it.

I know that you and your kids will have lots of fun taking your parrots around.
Hi! Good to see you back again :). Any chance of an update on Boomer and his adventures?
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  • #40
Hi Raven,

Work and life got in the way but I'm glad to be back and looking forward to participating in the forums again. It's great to see you still active! Hope your birdies are doing great. I'll make post on Boomer as soon as possible. Cheers!!!

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