Bit worried he has a respiratory issue? He keeps making this noise everytime he makes a little chirp. It's like an air puff out of his nares?


Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2025
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Hereford, UK
Banksy - a Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
I have attached a video. I could only film him doing it once but he keeps having small fits of them where it happens like 4 or 5 times in a row.
Sorry I forgot to add that he's booked into the vet but the vet was on annual leave today so couldn't get an appointment
Yes things like this are best addressed by a competent Certified Avian Vet. While there is a lot of knowledge on here, none of us are vets!
Yes things like this are best addressed by a competent Certified Avian Vet. While there is a lot of knowledge on here, none of us are vets!
Perfect, thanks Wrench! I couldn't get him booked in yesterday due to the vet being away on annual leave but I've managed to get an appointment with his avian vet today so will have an answer later today! Thanks again for the input

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