Bit of a scare with Merlin


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Merlin hit the window this morning.
That’s the first 1/2.

When these guys hit the window (or wall) it’s cuz they are running out of steam.
Not cuz they are trying to escape at max speed.

I was putting a treat in there cage and Merlin tried to land on the cage with me standing in front blocking his approach.
He went for a go round but his altitude was too low to land on top of the curtains.


So I rescued him from hanging on the drapes and put him in the cage.

He ate his treat and so did my other Amazons.

He vomited up his treat in just a few minutes.
That was the second part of the scare.

I fixed biscuits this morning and I took 1/2 a biscuit with some butter and cut it into 4 pieces.
1 for Bella and then the Amazons.

I know butter isn’t one of the 4 primary food groups for birds.
But I saw a documentary on the Kia (New Zealand parrot not the car) and New Caledonia crow’s intelligence.
They used butter as a treat for the parrots

I been watching Merlin closely all day and haven’t seen any more signs of distress.
Definitely gona be more careful about butter with them.

You've probably seen this before, but...
Hope that Merlin has recovered from his misadventure.
They aren’t mistaking a window as a pass through.
He hit the window because he was unable to gain enough altitude to land on top of the drapes.

He was hanging on to the drapes when I rescued him.
If it was a true crash he would have ended up on the floor and not been able to grab hold of the drapes at the last moment.

Bella can fly right up to something and do a 180 degree turn in her own wingspan.
My Amazons just can’t maneuver like that, they have to hit the emergency brake and hope for the best.

I’ve seen the twins panic fly in the bathroom (won’t do that again) the fly into the mirror and hitting it doesn’t seem to stop them from trying.
It was pandemonium.
Personally, I never give any dairy product to Salty, as, even tho smart as he is, his ability to milk a cow is nonexistent. Nor do parrots in the wild have that ability.
Personally, I never give any dairy product to Salty, as, even tho smart as he is, his ability to milk a cow is nonexistent. Nor do parrots in the wild have that ability.
With all due respect.
Not sure I agree with your logic.

Amazon parrots in the wild wouldn’t be digging up and eating carrots and sweet potatoes.
I have never heard of a pellet bush in the wild.
Nor a Nutraberry tree.
Yet all these things are generally considered good for parrots.

I am not saying butter or dairy products are good for them.
But most of my birds get some now and again.

I just never seen one vomit because of it and I was concerned about concussion cuz of the crash.

I have seen Bella vomit (or more accurately gagging) because of eating a grape.
I have to cut them in half before giving them to her.
(Before too long she’s going to want me to peal them).
The reality of hitting a hard flat surface, concussion would be my first concern and when one adds vomiting, that is near conformation of a concussion!

The discussions regarding dairy product has long been around. I avoid providing them, but because of the Amazons that come to take-over our home commonly will refuse to eat and my protocol is that near anything that gets them to eat, I will feed.

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