Hitting the window


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Yah one of the Twins flew into the living room window.
I guess it was Luna, ATT I thought it was Merlin.

I don’t know what happened.
my best guess is the room was too dark.
By the clock was their normal time to come out but was cloudy.
I turned the big light on so they could see but it was when I turned on the light that both birds took off flying.
I have been opening the drapes for more light in morning/evening but that was what attracted Luna.
It sounded like she hit pretty hard.
I picked her up and she flew away , acted fine.
Still ok this morning.
guess I will just open drapes a little bit so it won’t look like it’s big enough to fly through.
Yaa, this is a difficult time of year as we are in that range of the shortest day and longest night of the year time and clouds can really mess with them. Also, going from near dark to bright lighting can spook them. Consider a transitional light, possible a lamp with a 40 watt bulb as that will help.

Our Julio has been known to spook this time of year! Plus, he is starting to become edgy! He is showing all the sides of starting hormonal season, near normal time for him, but looks like it is going to hit hard!

Trying turning-on the transitional light first than opening the curtain may help!

Normal eyes on Luna for the next few days!!
Yaa, this is a difficult time of year as we are in that range of the shortest day and longest night of the year time and clouds can really mess with them. Also, going from near dark to bright lighting can spook them. Consider a transitional light, possible a lamp with a 40 watt bulb as that will help.

Our Julio has been known to spook this time of year! Plus, he is starting to become edgy! He is showing all the sides of starting hormonal season, near normal time for him, but looks like it is going to hit hard!

Trying turning-on the transitional light first than opening the curtain may help!

Normal eyes on Luna for the next few days!!
I have avian sun lamps on a timer that come on one at a time while the cages are still covered ... then I turn on the big lights... that way they don't get the sudden bright light... then I uncover the cages...
Food for thought...
Yesterday Luna crashed again.
It wasn’t into the window this time.
I don’t really know what happened because I had gone into the kitchen..
I have been letting them out earlier for their evening fly time So there is more light.
Plus turning on the big light.

Both of the Twins have been more restless recently.
I think their normal hormonal period is closer to April than the December/January timeframe for Bingo.

I have never seen flighted amazons when hormonal.
Does it make them more likely to make mistakes when flying?
I can see why it might.
Julio is clearly on the late December, early January time line for starting Hormonal Season! And, Yes, he gets stupid at times!

Like, fly and elects to change direction without fully assuring he is in a place that will allow that maneuver.

Christmas Day he was flying from his cage to his office perch and he elected to change and fly to his lIving room, high-back chair. Only one minor problem, I was between him and the chair. 500 grams of Amazon at near full flight speed smack in the face did not set me down, but I sure was grabbing for a kitchen chair, while providing a hand for him to save some dignity from falling to the floor. The look on his face was priceless! "What Happened?"
Exciting (scary!) reading!
An old parrot-person advised me to take the Rb on "tapping tours"... walks around the house, encouraging tapping (knocking) on the surfaces, INCLUDING WINDOWS (not shown in this particular clip). The Rb has learned about "hard air" (glass).
Well I am sure Luna knows she can’t fly through walls :ROFLMAO:

The Twins could have crashed into each other and Lena was unable to recover.

Luna is like 75% wild, I can move her around a little but only when she wants and only somewhere she wants to go.

Both of the Twins are normally good flyers, twice in as many days leaves me a bit concerned.

Bella also has been flying more recklessly.
She fly’s faster between points A and B .
She does more circling in a semi frantic manner.
The early darkness seems to unsettle her.
Onc back in her cage she calms down.
but like a little child she doesn’t want to “go back inside “.
Wow, I understand your concern as I agree that twice that close together is not a positive.

Play with the lighting a bit more targeting not spooking them! But, it is worth that walk around looking for surfaces that maybe reflecting or flashing, etc, etc. Or, maybe you got a ghost, not likely, but point is something is spooking them.

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