Bird won’t stop biting jewellery


New member
Apr 25, 2022
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Green Cheek Conure
Hi, my 8 month old conure, Toki, is obsessed with my jewellery. I usually wear necklaces and bracelets but I’ve started taking them off more ever since I brought him home.
Once he latches onto my jewellery it’s extremely hard to get him off. He squeals and once he’s off, he bites really hard. I keep trying to tell him no but he doesn’t listen so I put him back in his cage after he does it.
His bites hurt me a lot, is there anything more I can do to discourage this behaviour? Thank you!
Yes....... Take off your jewelry, other than that, what is your question?

It's like asking a dog not to chew on a bone.
I agree. Shiny jewelry is so exciting that it is unlikely you can teach your bird not to grab it.

An exception: I used to wear earrings ALL THE TIME and I just wouldn’t let my bird on my shoulder then. These were rings that were hard to get in and out of the ear but my bird would try really hard. Ouch.
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Yes....... Take off your jewelry, other than that, what is your question?

It's like asking a dog not to chew on a bone.
I agree. Shiny jewelry is so exciting that it is unlikely you can teach your bird not to grab it.

An exception: I used to wear earrings ALL THE TKME and I just wouldn’t let my bird on my shoulder then. These were rings that were hard to get in and out of the ear but my bird would try really hard. Ouch.
Oof yeah I get that, can’t wear earrings around him because he pulls at them. Shame, I love wearing jewellery lots haha. Thanks for the response ❤️
Personally, Ive never worn necklaces or bracelets and probably never will but I always wear earrings. Honestly, I just use my hair to cover them up! Obviously that odesnt work for everyone though
Personally, Ive never worn necklaces or bracelets and probably never will but I always wear earrings. Honestly, I just use my hair to cover them up! Obviously that odesnt work for everyone though
Oh, yes, I’ve done that. Also used to smuggle my bird into stores and library under my hair. But current bird refuses.🙁
Personally, Ive never worn necklaces or bracelets and probably never will but I always wear earrings. Honestly, I just use my hair to cover them up! Obviously that odesnt work for everyone though
Personally, Ive never worn necklaces or bracelets and probably never will but I always wear earrings. Honestly, I just use my hair to cover them up! Obviously that odesnt work for everyone though
yesss i wear hoodies to cover earrings and necklaces but he still tries to get to them lol
I learned this the hard way too 😄 Shiny metal earrings that MUST come out of my ears RIGHT NOW. I'm in the habit now of putting my jewelry on just before I leave the house.

Yes....... Take off your jewelry, other than that, what is your question?

It's like asking a dog not to chew on a bone.

If the answer was so clear to everyone everywhere, the question would not have been asked. I would much rather have people ask about behaviors that are normal bird behaviors, than to struggle and get frustrated.
I learned this the hard way too 😄 Shiny metal earrings that MUST come out of my ears RIGHT NOW. I'm in the habit now of putting my jewelry on just before I leave the house.

If the answer was so clear to everyone everywhere, the question would not have been asked. I would much rather have people ask about behaviors that are normal bird behaviors, than to struggle and get frustrated.
Thank you, their response made me feel a bit dumb at first. This is my first conure and none of my previous birds acted like this so I was confused…Glad it’s normal ^^
I wasn’t trying to make you feel dumb. I’m sorry.
Thank you, their response made me feel a bit dumb at first. This is my first conure and none of my previous birds acted like this so I was confused…Glad it’s normal ^^
You should never feel like you can't ask a question. There are no dumb questions, and as Cottonoid said, we want you asking anything you want to know.
Please don't let the one response hinder you from asking whatever you want to know.

Yes....... Take off your jewelry, other than that, what is your question?

It's like asking a dog not to chew on a bone.
The forum exists so people can ask questions, and receive respectful answers.
If you can't answer respectfully, skip the post.
Text is a funny thing, no? I personally didn’t take clarks message to be the “no duh”, smart at-money-money response you all saw. I took it more in a “putting it into context”.

It’s like responding with “I tell the doctor it hurts when I do that”, doctor replies “well then don’t do that”.

It’s Not being smart, just putting the problem into humorous perspective: the answer is obvious, once it’s pointed out. We CAN laugh about how obvious an answer can be.

But text can’t always convey emotions and intent.
Text is a funny thing, no? I personally didn’t take clarks message to be the “no duh”, smart at-money-money response you all saw. I took it more in a “putting it into context”.

It’s like responding with “I tell the doctor it hurts when I do that”, doctor replies “well then don’t do that”.

Not being smart, just putting the problem into useful perspective.
Text is definitely hard to read, but when someone new asks a question care should be put into the answer. We do not want anyone to be hesitant to ask any more questions, and if the post was an answer to me when I was new I more than likely wouldn't have asked any more.
I'm having the jewelry struggle too :) I have a necklace I like to wear all the time.... I've started taking it off when it's time for Ona snuggles. Otherwise she's nibbling it. The struggle is real! Sometimes if I can find something else to distract her with she stops and sometimes I can hide it under my shirt. But yeah, not sure if anything else can really be done other than saying "no" and trying to hide it.

Edit to add: I do find that if I spin the necklace around so that the charm portion is on the back of my neck behind my hair that can help. That way it isn't dangling down in front. Any time I leave mine on that is, it helps.
I also found it helped to turn away the really shiny part, in my case it was my engagement ring. They weren't interested in the plain band at all.
I did just start taking off my rings though, it drove me crazy to have them backwards.
I also found it helped to turn away the really shiny part, in my case it was my engagement ring. They weren't interested in the plain band at all.
I did just start taking off my rings though, it drove me crazy to have them backwards.
Willow still tries to get my rings off, and pinches me in the process. I have a green ‘Lucy’ remembrance ring and don’t wear it all the time as I ought, because of his determination to remove it even if the stone is inside.
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lol My baby GCC took off my Avian vet's think she would have known better, ....there I was embarrassed sweeping the floor for both pieces.
If it’s any consolation, when my youngest was a baby I stopped wearing jewelry for a while because she’d try to yank the earrings out my ears or strangle my with my own necklace.

I also only put on jewelry now if I’m going out, and I take it off when I come home. I’m pretty confident Kirby wouldn’t yank a piercing out (he leaves my nose alone, thank goodness) but I don’t want to find out the hard way…

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