Bingo's back to normal


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Or as normal as Bingo ever is.

He had a big fight with his toys today. One not stimulated by incorrect clothing.

When he was sitting with me this afternoon he went into his playful routine.
He kind of half way rolls over and I roll him over the rest of the way onto his back and beak wrestle with him.
He has been going to the bottom of his cage.
I know for many birds this would be a bad sign but it's normal for Bingo.
He has been playing inside his cardboard box the last 3/4 days strait.

His sneezing is down to what I would say is NEARLY normal.
I am not seeing any signs of breathing difficulties.

I want to go back to the CAV and have him give a listen to his breathing for a professional opinion soon.
Oh Wes, I'm so happy to hear this news, and so happy for you and Bingo too! What an enormous relief this must be for you - you have all my hopes that Bingo continues on to full recovery! 🙏 🙏 🙏
Not sure if Bingo will allow you to hold him while you place his chest to your ear!?!?
Julio is the first Amazon that I cannot do that with!
It is a process that starts with you completing a roll-over, but you stop and place his chest to your ear. That allows you to hear his heart rate. Understand, if you have never heard a Parrot's heart rate before it will shock you at the rate (extremely fast).

The great part is you get to hear him at a 'rest state' which would be his normal rate.
Not sure if Bingo will allow you to hold him while you place his chest to your ear!?!?
Julio is the first Amazon that I cannot do that with!
It is a process that starts with you completing a roll-over, but you stop and place his chest to your ear. That allows you to hear his heart rate. Understand, if you have never heard a Parrot's heart rate before it will shock you at the rate (extremely fast).

The great part is you get to hear him at a 'rest state' which would be his normal rate.
I have heard Bella’s heart beat many times.
Most of the time it’s when she lands on my shoulder and so it’s not a resting beat.
Because Bella is a plucker her chest feathers are thin and that may make her heart easier to hear.

As close as Bingo sits with me, literally leaning against my face I have never been able to hear his heartbeat.
But it’s Bingo’s lungs and breathing sounds I need to get the CAV to check.
I have heard Bella’s heart beat many times.
Most of the time it’s when she lands on my shoulder and so it’s not a resting beat.
Because Bella is a plucker her chest feathers are thin and that may make her heart easier to hear.

As close as Bingo sits with me, literally leaning against my face I have never been able to hear his heartbeat.
But it’s Bingo’s lungs and breathing sounds I need to get the CAV to check.
You can buy a stethoscope for home use for about $50 that allows you to listen to heartbeat and breathing sounds.
I have thought about it.
But I don’t know how Bingo would react to one.
My best guess is he would not like it.
I might be able to desensitize him to it over time but……
Great news, Wes! I'm so happy to hear that Bingo is doing better!

I've thought about the stethoscope as well, in fact we have a few kicking around. Slight possibility that Tucker would tolerate it, but he lets me hold him to my ear. The other two... Not so much. Scary black snake, fly away!!! 🤣

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