Bingo update


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Bingo's chewed feathers are all gone and replaced with normal looking feathers.
He still makes these grumbling/growling noises when he is grooming but he doesn't seem to be wrecking his feathers.

The latest problem is he has gone hormonal and this is real early for him.
There is one thing that has changed recently that may have something to do with it.

The Amazon cages Bingos most especially underneath was sort of crammed full of stuff.
To the point that the cages were not easily moved . I needed plumbing repaired in the house and HAD to move the cages.
So the underneath of the cages got a through cleaning and now it's nice and empty and I think inviting to Bingo.
I use to let him walk around on the floor but he became aggressive (to everyone but me) so I stopped that a long time ago.
I hope he is not entering his breeding season this early but he has already given me a nasty bite on the arm.
He bit me through a sweat shirt so skin damage was minimal but it left a hard lump under the skin the size of a marble.
The joy of being owned by an amazon.
Oh God, I am reminded of a couple years ago and many of us experienced the onset of fall hormones that didn’t abate until the following summer. 6-8 straight months of nonstop hormones for no discernible reason. I really hope that’s not where you’re headed😬😳
Interesting, as Julio had a 'special' day last week Wednesday. We are a full two months ahead of his normal start of the hormonal season. Have no idea what set him off, but his had gotten a big rush of chemicals and was truly crazy. It took at least three hours for him to come off his 'high-horse' and settle down to a point that I could work with him.

Its been a long time since I had an Amazon come charging thru a dancing towel after me with death to the Human Eyes. I was able to settle him down using a couple of tricks that are too dangerous for a newbie to read and try.

Long Story, Short: He was napping on the wife's shoulder an hour later.

I am with you guys!! Way to early for the start of the season!!
Hate to say it, but Salty's had a few nippy days lately too. And for no reason I could think of. Sunday I had a gig in the afternoon but was home by 6pm, but man, was he pissed off. Training session that night was a dance of avoiding The Beak, and he refused most tricks. But then Mon to tonite, back to the good boy he usually is. Hope we are all of us wrong about early 'mone season!!!
Hate to say it, but Salty's had a few nippy days lately too. And for no reason I could think of. Sunday I had a gig in the afternoon but was home by 6pm, but man, was he pissed off. Training session that night was a dance of avoiding The Beak, and he refused most tricks. But then Mon to tonite, back to the good boy he usually is. Hope we are all of us wrong about early 'mone season!!!
'mone's haven't hit the green dino...yet.:) He's been dropping sleeves finding them everywhere,but he's been super sweet and extra cuddly,he wants to be on my chest or arm more than usual but I'm keeping a close eye on him..that can all change in a blink of the eye.

'mone's haven't hit the green dino...yet.:) He's been dropping sleeves finding them everywhere,but he's been super sweet and extra cuddly,he wants to be on my chest or arm more than usual but I'm keeping a close eye on him..that can all change in a blink of the eye.


Parker’s molt is so weird this year. Normally by mid September it looks like a bird exploded in his cage over one week. This year, perhaps due to our move further south, it’s a slow trickle at best, 1.5 months delayed. His head looks a hot mess, so at least he’s molting there. But all other feathers are taking their sweet time and clearly are in no hurry.

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