Bingo. Biting. And Blood-thinners


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I am already having some problems because of the blood thinners I have to take.
Cuz I had a FitBit on my wrist too tight I ended up with a blood blister .
How can I handle Bingo with confidence and at the same time not risk a bite?

I pay as close attention as I can to his mood and body languag.
I stopped taking chances with him some time ago but he can still nail me just because my Son or wife walk into the room.
Shoulder privileges are revoked for the next 6 months. But he still likes to climb all over me in the am.

I had a coworker years ago who was on blood thinners, with two small kids and a farm in the middle of nowhere. It's intimidating!

....I imagine you aren't keen on wearing a full body wetsuit around your house all the time? ;)

Is he reliably calm in the morning? I wonder if you could designate time in the mornings for just him and you where your wife and son could stay away? And then mostly no contact and use perches otherwise if he's ok with that?

The Bingo side effect is something cardiologist didn't have answers for, I bet!
The morning and afternoon are to two times of the day that I try to spend with Bingo.
What he decides to do changes from day to day.
Sit in the window.
Hang out on his cage.
Sit with me.
Other things he may try are not allowed.
Getting on the floor.
pestering the Twins by walking on their cage (but Bingo allows Merlin to climb allover his cage).
Biting the wire that powers is warming plate.

But he can be sitting with me and be triggered by something he sees.
The misting bottle.
A band aid I did not take off.
Maybe I am being overly causes but just wearing a FitBit to tight around my wrist caused this.
Try limiting how long he is on your arm and target moving him about that way he sees stepping-up has a reason beyond just being with you. It is likely that his biting maybe his announcement that other dangerous people are around and that you should move away from them. The reasons can be very difficult to understand as it requires deep review of what happened just before the bite and Humans are commonly not at a state-of-mind after a bite to complete such a deep review as we are commonly dealing with the pain.

Try limiting the time on arm /hand, but increasing how often. The goal is to maintain the relationship and trust bond.
I feel for ya, bro. I been on blood thinners for a long time. My sons joke that they can get me bleeding just by throwing a penny at me. Salty has been keeping his beak razor sharp, so I have really know his state of mind when I approach him, which I usually can by now. Even so, some times he nails me, mostly on the fingers, Not badly, a small pinhole on one side and the little crescent impression on the other. But i do bleed. Holding a clean paper towel on them for 5 minutes usually stops the seepage.

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