Be careful even with stated non toxic plants-my birds died because of Hoya


Active member
Aug 23, 2021
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2 Green Check Conures,2 linolated parakeets- RIP, 2 kakariki
Hello All,
would like to share my worst experience to warn others- my 2 beloved linnies died due to chewing a Hoya plant- which many sources marked as non toxic...I do not know why they got interested in that plant suddenly, never touched before but 2 days ago they chewed it ans seems not only chewed but eat some of it. Within an hour one of them started vomiting and showed symptoms of heavy poisoning. ( Unfortunately it was middle of the night and no avian vet in my area. We got some suggestion what to do but we lost them.).
So please be always careful.
Picture for memory my silly little angels now😭
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Hello All,
would like to share my worst experience to warn others- my 2 beloved linnies died due to chewing a Hoya plant- which many sources marked as non toxic...I do not know why they got interested in that plant suddenly, never touched before but 2 days ago they chewed it ans seems not only chewed but eat some of it. Within an hour one of them started vomiting and showed symptoms of heavy poisoning. ( Unfortunately it was middle of the night and no avian vet in my area. We got some suggestion what to do but we lost them.).
So please be always careful.
Picture for memory my silly little angels now😭View attachment 50226
just addition to the post, this plant is hoya carnosa , and picture how much they chewed. Also the stem was chewed- no was not sprayed-or at least not by me, got it more than half a year ago
I’m so sorry , really awful. Thank you for warning us.
I'm so sorry. I just realized from the pictures that I have one of these plants in my kitchen. I have read that Hoya, some variaties, are toxic and it's impossible to get good information except from parrot forums, so I will take that as being all Hoya. There are many species. Thank you to the op for posting this.
People with birds shouldn’t have ANY plants their birds can eat.
OP, I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting this. Your birds were beautiful.
Never let your bird chew on cannabis either. They absolutely become "stoned" consuming a small amount and it takes a few days to wear off (if you're lucky).
Never let your bird chew on cannabis either. They absolutely become "stoned" consuming a small amount and it takes a few days to wear off (if you're lucky).
Been there done that???
Unfortunately. Yes. My budgie Rocky grabbed a bud and ran off with it. We took it from her and didn't think she ate any until the next morning when she was pretty catatonic. 36 hours later she was back to normal. I was so scared she was going to die!
Well I'm ashamed to admit this but.......
As a young (back when rocks were a new thing) ignernt (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) college student my cockatiel would get really upset if he was not allowed to passively participate in the evening mellow session around the kitchen table or living room.
I know very bad but didn't know at the time that smoke was more harmful for him than me.
At least he didn't drink!
One of a multitude of things I am ashamed of and regret
Speaking of drinking birds- I have to watch my beverages of all types! My birds love cold cans of anything! The cold, wet metal must feel good against their beaks and tongues. They try to sip from the groove at the top of the can. I've had a budgie try to bathe in a glass of orange juice! You can tell when they're planning to dive in because they crouch, spread their wings, and fluff up. Imagine having to wash OJ off a budgie!
I just read a reddit question asking how to wash their budgie after he tried to bathe in chicken soup. They tried to wash him but he still smells like chicken soup! They may have to wait for a molt.

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