Are these plants safe for my aviary?


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Feb 22, 2022
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Peaceface Lovebirds
Hello Everyone I'm building a large enclosure for my lovebirds and I have compiled a list of plants that I have loosely found to be non-toxic to my lovebirds. Some of these plants there was very few information and my intention isn't too feed these plants to my lovebirds but to dress up the enclosure. Its going to be setup more like a vivarium with humidity in the 60-80% range daily and the temps in the 70-80F range daily.. I simply want to know if these plants are safe/non-toxic if accidentally ingested or touched. These plants are made to grow on the walls and on the ground. The ground will be covered with leaf litter, moss and I incorporated a waterfall that flows into a creek the depth of about 1 inch so they can drink and bath when they please. The ground will be about 2-3ft deep with a drainage layer of lava rock and a shower drain to drain water. The enclosure is 6ftx7ftx8ft

-super fireball
Boston Fern
-Nephrolepsis bostoniensis
Java Moss
-Taxiphyllum barbieri
-sp. “Silver stripe”
Dwarf African Violet
Here's a list I made, you can look for those plants on there:
Here's a list I made, you can look for those plants on there:
I will take a look at it most of these plants I couldnt find on normal lists. Fingers crossed
I will take a look at it most of these plants I couldnt find on normal lists. Fingers crossed
And remember - depending on where you live, plant names may be different than they are on the list, so do your own research if you're still unsure.
And remember - depending on where you live, plant names may be different than they are on the list, so do your own research if you're still unsure.
Wasn't able to find these on your list do you have any insight?
Little Tree Plant (Biophytum sensitivum)
Bonnet Orchids (Pleurothallis brighamii, Pleurothallis dodsonii, Pleurothallis allenii, Pleurothallis tribuloides)
I have tried looking everywhere on search engines and cant find anything on:
Monkey Paws (Marcgravia umbellata)

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