
Supporting member always trumps junior or senior ranks.

Sayounara aratingettar and Rozalka

When you help pay for the site you get to be green!

Which is way more important than saving the environment....I have color to prove I'm eco-freindly.
Clarc and SomeP are both banned for not banning!

Banning first, bragging later dears ;)

I just spend a ridiculous amount of Euroos on supplements for Sunny (she was almost out of them), so I will not be a supporting member this month ;)
You will have to make do with my *ahem* brilliant insights and often misplaced sense of humor. ;P
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Christa is banned because I agree with her in 100% - banning first!!!!!
Rozalka is banned because today I could sleep in (and woke at 05:00 of course) and now we have SUNSHINE \o/
(I was getting rather winter-dip'y so this really is a small blessing. Yesterday we had non-stop rain, so it is nice to see something different and to stay dry.)
Christa is banned because I was sleeping longer:) and woke up at 8:30 :)
Rozalka is banned because I was awake but reading, so I really got out of bed very late ;)
Sunny has not even had her special breakfast yet
(she stole a big part of my dinner yesterday and has her usual pellets, so she is fine)
Clarc and SomeP are both banned for not banning!

Banning first, bragging later dears ;)

I just spend a ridiculous amount of Euroos on supplements for Sunny (she was almost out of them), so I will not be a supporting member this month ;)
You will have to make do with my *ahem* brilliant insights and often misplaced sense of humor. ;P

ChristaNL is banned because I will happily take your brilliant insights & misplaced sense of humour any day of the week!
LaManuka is banned for making me go "aaaaah, you are sooo kind!". (HUGS!!)

Today I handled the largest amount of freshly caught cockroaches *ever* (in my life). I am not particularly squemish and actually have a different species in a vivarium in my house to feed to the spiders, but this really made me go "ieuw!" inside. Probably because I had to kill them all and it really felt like whiping out an entire village...

(the plus side of the carnage: the wild birds outside had a fantastic lunch!)
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Christa is banned because no one banned yesterday and tomorrow I have to go to school! (I had 2 weeks of break)
Rozalka is banned for....
.. or maybe not.. having to go to school after 2week winter holidays is painful enough.
Aratingettar is banned for no other reason than "it is monday" and I am having a hard time finding inspiration today to do (or say) anything usefull.
Christa is banned because I had forgotten that today we were writing email and I had to write it without learning.
Rozalka is banned for being a sloppy student ;)

(a good thing you practiced a lot here anyway, so I think you did a good job regardless)
Christa is banned because most of words which I've learnt here are unnecessary for the school :D (I lost the biggest number of points on English mock exams on a thing which I don't practice here - listening)
Rozalka is banned for thinking she was ever gonna learn the proper Queen’s English here, you little rippa bewdy bonza bottlaaaaaaaa! :)
LaManuka is banned because my math teacher is sick and normally on Tuesdays my first lesson is math. In a journal (in net) there was written that because of it I go to school later and in the last moment it was changed and we had with other teacher. In ths way I missed the first lesson after winter holidays (I had got that massage few minutes before that lesson, so I had no chances to go on time)
Rozalka is banned because for about half an hour earlier I was the ONLY person logged into PF and I was very lonely :(:confused:
LaManuka is banned because "lonely" is only after the parrots went to sleep and the hubby is gaming? ;)
Christa is banned because I’m traveling home today.

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