
ChristaNL is banned because it’s 6:15am here and we should be discussing coffee!

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Inger is banned because here it's 3:34 pm;)
Rozalka is banned because it is almost getting dark again ;)
Time for tea.
Christa is banned because here it gets dark outside ealier than in the Netherlands (here it is already dark)
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Rozalka is banned because even when there's dark outside, I have my snuggly private Sun with me :)
Aratingettar is banned because I don't have any sun conures but they love me!
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Rozalka is banned for being overwhelmed with Sun Conures. Btw, did you had some earplugs then? :D
... and one more ban for going to "papugarnia". Places like these are known to be bad for Parrots.
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Aratingettar is banned because I didn't have earplugs and one of the sun conures screamed to my ear:p
Rozalka is banned for being lucky that only one sun screamed to her ear, as otherwise her brain could explode.
Aratingettar is banned because then a blue throated conure bited me stronger than Zenek!
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Rozalke is banned because it is almost midnight here, so it is my last chance today to bann anyone :)
Christa is banned because no one has banned today;)
Rozalka is banned because there is nobody else (and I met team DutchCaptain again today; great couple, lovely macaw)
Christa is banned for meeting DutchCaptain again
Rozalka is definitely banned for not banning anyone for past 24 hours.
Aratingettar is banned because only few people want to play it
Rozalka is banned because today I wanted to add some wall-perches, got some wood in the right shape and size ..and now I cannot find the screws to put them in their place ... :rolleyes:
Christa is banned because I want to say Good Night everyone!
Rozalka is banned for dreaming about parrots all night ;)
Christa is banned because I got up at 3:10
am for a flight to Texas.

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