
Rozalka is banned for being right ... time to dig out the X-Mass decorations?

(I cannot have a tree inside- obviously, so I found a fake one that goes on the balcony)
The full moon of all hallow's eve was last week, so why not? ;)
Christa is banned for not rewarding my stupidity.

(Tootsietoots, apparently you've never been attacked by the King of Mean aka Glenn off drugs.)
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LeslieA is banned because I did not notice any stupidity.

What did you do? Sit down on an orange?
Christa is banned for not knowing the I fell off the roof Saturday and had to get stitches, AGAIN. (It was nifty to scare the kids with at Trunk or Treat though.)
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LeslieA is banned for getting seasonal stitches? Whoa! You really take this serious!

(happy healing btw - I hope you'll be in one piece soon)
Christa is banned because people have cooking like crazy for me. I should be stupid more often! Free food and bird care!
Leslie is banned because health is more important than free food and bird care!
Rozalka is banned because obviously NOTHING is more important than free food and bird care.

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Inger is banned for making me laugh out loud and I woke my parrots!
Christa is banned because I was in the hospital where food was being given in a small amount. I still remember when everyone got one pancake for dinner (free food but still hungry)
Rozalka is banned because I'm at home. Kenny will do my birds in about 20 minutes. One of my renters texted to say she was bringing taco salad for lunch.
Leslie is banned because today I was writting a German test
Rozalka is banned because I was getting a haircut.
Christa is banned because on this thursday and friday I don't have to go to school:) so I'm having longer this weekend:)
Rozalka is banned because I have a French midterm next week :D
Rozalka is banned for having a wonderfull long weekend in which to teach her birds new tricks ;)

Toosietoots is banned for outbanning me!! :D

(best of luck with the french-thingy!)
ChristaNL is banned for not agreeing to marry me. (I've been there, every dutch/netherlands/gelderland girl is a can't go wrong just throwing a stick in any direction) They all ride bikes and stuff instead of driving.

Clark_conure is banned for not asking (and you would be sorry if you did, I am somewhat past my sell-by date ;) )
I do ride bikes though :)
Christa is banned because it's weekend! (for me ;))
Ok what the fudge has been going on here???

ChristaNL & clark_conure are both banned if I don't get an invite to their wedding!!

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