
Rozalka is banned because LeslieA was going to give me a brother and you banned her!
(now I still have no brother, boohoo )
ChristaNL is banned because it’s October (and you can have TWO of my brothers)

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Inger is banned for being very generous :) (thank you, if I keep this up I will have a huge collection of brothers! So much fun!) it's not only october, it is also close to midnight here and I am yawning myself to bed.
Goodnight all (and those in hurricane-country: stay safe!)
Christa is banned for planning a weird collection.
Aratingettar is banned for saying the nicest things :)
Christa is banned because I'm eating nuts at the moment
Rozalka is banned because I am going to shower.
(not sure who wants to come along, but we shall see/ I had a normal 3 parrot-one yesterday)

(edit: just Sunny- so we could do it faster today)
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Christa is banned because Sir Lancelot invaded Daytona's daycage to pick a fight. Boys hhhh
LeslieA is banned because Zenek took a bath today
Rozalka is banned because Bumble is afraid of the bathroom

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Inger is banned because Zenek loves bathing
Rozalke is banned because I want dinner.
Christa is banned for wanting dinner at 8:17 pm!
Rozalka is banned for having great photoos and vids posted here :)
(I just watched Zenek and chicken, again)
Christa is banned because the last Zenek's photo and vid are dark (Thank you for the nice words:))
Rozalka is banned for being critical. HAHA
Leslie is banned because today I have a dinner early
Rozalka is banned because nobody has been banned for hours!
Christa is banned because I have to make an apple crisp.

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Inger is banned because that sounds intriging, what is it?

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