
Roz is banned because I love wet birbs
Foxx is banned because my birds hate getting wet
Stormy is banned because this is how my flock bathes:
Lilla and Ziggy - spray bottle
Kai and Jasper - water bowl
Cricket - LETTUCE!
Fox is banned this is how my flock bathes:
Zenek - bathroom sink
Angela - water bowl
Bourkes - hate baths (however there's been two single times when Jaś used the bird pool)
Roz is banned because Kai sometimes likes it if I cup my hands together under the sink and he can just splash around...until he falls
Fox is banned cos I have a vid how Zenek takes a bath
Roz is banned because he's beautiful :love:
Some birds just wash their face lol
Fox is banned cos thank you :)
I looked at the vid date... how old it is... he's been just 2 months with us then
Roz is banned coz no snail🐌🐌
Stormy is banned coz what
Foxx is banned cos roz doesn't have a pet snail 🐌 🐌 🐌
Stormy is banned cos I don't like snails
Roz is banned cos why
Stormy is banned cos
1. I don't have to explaining
2. I don't care about most invertebrates (sorry, they are just too boring for me)
Roz is banned cos have you heard of pseudoscorpions? They aren't boring!
Stormy is banned coz I have to agree with Roz...
But I respect your opinion and there is nothing wrong with them
Stormy is banned cos most things for me are boring.
And Foxxy is banned cos I agree
roz is banned coz I...ok
Foxx is banned because we posted at the same time
Stormy is banned cos I turned on the light and all 4 fids (I don't count Zenek, he's in different room) started eating... I asked what's happened they are so hungry and Jaś answered "chirp chirp chirp"

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