
Both of u are banned because from now on ill say foz incase someone posted before and i dont need to edit my post to fox or roz
Tiki is banned cos I just post some pics and vids in my "Zenek and other our parrrots" thread....
Tiiikkkkiii is banned because YOU CHEATERR
Stop being too fast for me, EVERYONE
Tiki is banned cos I knew Tiki cheats... I was just sometimes checking English name to not wrong like with "red crowned" instead of "rose crowned conure"
Tiki is banned because
Fox is banned cos two points gave me idea you must cheating:
1. writing blood eared instead of rose crowned conure (a mistake on Wikimedia)
2. recognizing a black lored parrot (so rare species)
Fox is banned cos two points gave me idea you must cheating:
1. writing blood eared instead of rose crowned conure (a mistake on Wikimedia)
2. recognizing a black lored parrot
Roz ibb im terrible at hiding things..
TIki is banned because NOOO
Tiki ib cos another point I was sure you cheat: writing "coconut" instead of "rainbow lorikeet" - old classificaton
Zenek is banned for disturbing me writing - because of him I delayed a wrong sentence part and had to rewrite it
Roz is banned for banning Zenek
I'm self banning because I'm out of walnuts
Jasper said "prepare to die"
Roz ibb guess what..
I didnt cheat on that one ;)

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