Bad looking bird on craigslist

I agree that the atmosphere he's in skeeved me out. I feel really bad for the little guy and would take him home, but I don't have any money to take him or a cage to put him in right now, plus no experience with birds plucking. KimKim, I feel so bad for that scarlet macaw. Such a majestic bird shouldn't look like that... Not to mention that they want so much money for a bird in such poor shape? I hope he finds a good home soon. It doesn't seem like the people that have it now know how to take care of it.. :( EDIT: Maybe that's not much for a macaw? I don't know anything about prices for large birds.

In my area, baby Hahns go from $700 to $1K, and he's super plucked, who knows how old, and he has emotional problems, so I think $175 is too much to pay. They should just get him a good home free of charge.

Hahns are not really large birds, they're the smallest of the macaws, and quite small. They can be more expensive, but not as much as a large macaw like a Scarlett or B&G for example.
My heart is broken since seeing this little guy. Is it possible for you to get him? He is for sure in a basement there are not toys and the cage looks horrible. I once met a totally plucked goffins that was seriously the sweetest little bird I have ever met! The horrible
"so called rescue" would not let anyone take him home or I would have taken him in a heart beat! I knew that his feathers would never grow back but he was adorable in my eyes!
Wait.. so they want $175 for birdy? I would pay it just to have him/her in a GOOD forever home. In the grand scheme of things, the money isn't the issue when it comes to giving an animal another chance at a happy life..
I was serious about putting up the money, although, it would be appreciated if other members chipped in! (*hint hint)..

Can we find someone willing to give him/her a GOOD home? As much as I would love to, I can't justify having another rescue in my home.. (2 Macaws already).
I think we need to find someone in the seattle area or a get bird train going to get this guy to a proper home. If I had the physical room and was set up to take in a rescue at the moment, I'd take him in a heart beat. But, it's going to be a few months before I'm set up to take in any more birds.
Actually he doesn't look unhealthy to me. He looks unhappy, but he might flourish in the right home. I hope the right person finds him :(
If a bird is naked like that, does it mean the follicles are dead and will not grow new feathers?
I would take him if I was local, he is too cute!
KimKim -
Yes and no. Typically when a bird picks, it doesn't pick *that* much that their entire chest will go bare, but can still grow in feathers. However some do pluck that much, and if stopped plucking, will grow their feathers back in. However, when its that bare, usually it's a sign that th follicles have been damaged.
Is there someone in the Seattle Area willing to Vet out a good owner for the little guy? Not just a few phone conversations, but someone who can do the visits, etc.
Are there some folks in the Seattle area, or within a couple of hours of Seattle that have contacts at Avian-Vets or Rescues or even good privately owned bird stores (like one of my local ones took in a bird that was found in a community 2 years ago and he has a nice home). I would be happy to contact some if you have a good lead. I'm across the country and don't know the good from the bad out there.

RE: Bare breasted pluckers. Here's a photo of my naked boy. He/We were in a stressful homelife change about 18/19 years ago, and he cleaned did this. We tried the things to keep him from plucking, they grew back on two ocassions, but then he cleaned htem right off again and he was soooooo unhappy in collars and stuff. So, the a-vet said just let him do it. He never mutilated skin, and kept the plucking to the original area. Now he just has little peach-fuzz feathers there. But he's a great little guy.
If a bird is naked like that, does it mean the follicles are dead and will not grow new feathers?
I would take him if I was local, he is too cute!

Not always, mine was much worse than that and they've grown back/still growing, but I don't know for certain how long he did it before I got him. That bird might just be plucking with that person...which is understandable just looking at the conditions in the pic. He needs to get out of that dungeon, get some sun, air, baths, good food, and love.
I was serious about putting up the money, although, it would be appreciated if other members chipped in! (*hint hint)..

Can we find someone willing to give him/her a GOOD home? As much as I would love to, I can't justify having another rescue in my home.. (2 Macaws already).

I would be up for making a donation to rehome him.
I just emailed asking if they know how old he is, how long they've had him and where he came from. If they reply, then I'll ask if they would ship. I also emailed about the scarlet, and they are firm on price of $700. My husband would never go for that one...
"Rehoming" (selling) that scarlet macaw, in the shape the poor thing is in, for $700 bucks when it wasn't even theirs in the first place so they don't even have an investment in the bird, is almost a crime.
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Yeah, I had asked if they were firm on the fee because she doesn't come with a cage and she would be going straight to the vet, they replied that they work with a vet so a vet check wasn't needed.... But they don't have any paperwork on her.
What the heck?! They work in a vet's office? But they dont have paperwork? And the bird's living conditions look like that?!

So, they're not budging on the $175 then??

Wait- which one are you talking about kim kim?
That was about the scarlet that I posted. I have t heard back from the hahns macaw owner yet.
"Rehoming" (selling) that scarlet macaw, in the shape the poor thing is in, for $700 bucks when it wasn't even theirs in the first place so they don't even have an investment in the bird, is almost a crime.

I know, what a bunch of selfish idiots. :mad: When they realize they'll never get that price, maybe then they'll budge.
Yeah, I had asked if they were firm on the fee because she doesn't come with a cage and she would be going straight to the vet, they replied that they work with a vet so a vet check wasn't needed.... But they don't have any paperwork on her.

They also could be lying because maybe the bird is sick, and they don't want you to find out.

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