Baby linnies

Awww, you can always add the other colours as well:) Turquoise is such a beautiful colour that you can't have too much of it!
Ohhh SO cute! I see they're holding their head up now.
4 weeks today

I now know the lighter one is a girl.
Karen, their colours just get more and more beautiful! So they are female and male?
The darker one we don't know yet. The lighter one is a female for sure. The darker one if it's a regular turquoise I will need to have him sexed. If it's a single factor greywing (dilute) we will know it's a male, but he needs more feathers to know that for sure.
Dot, Dash and Daddy. Dot is 5 weeks today.

Oh they're so beautiful Karen. LOVE those colors on ALL of them.

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