New member
- May 16, 2024
- 7
- 7
- Parrots
- Pineapple GCC, Lineolated Parakeet
Hi guys! I recently adopted a linnie who I've named Limbo for how low she gets when napping or asking for scritches haha. She's been with us 5 days now!
My bf and I drove out of state to adopt her from a kind Petsmart employee who took her in after someone abandoned her at the store. The man who left her brought her wrapped up in an old tshirt and said nothing except that he'd release her if they didn't take her
No idea if he was her owner or if he'd found her. The lady took her to a vet and they said she was dehydrated, dirty, and slightly underweight, but overall fine.
So yeah we don't know how old she is, if she is a she, or what she's experienced. BUT, I think she was handraised or at least tamed by someone at some point because she loves being around people and receiving scritches/kisses!
The only thing we're really working on is making sure she and my 11 year old GCC Sunny get along, and also step-up training. All things considered, I think Limbo's taken to training very well! We started on day 3 with target training and she picked it up quickly. And now she will step up onto a finger IF I have a treat. However, she is super reluctant to step up outside the context of training sessions. But hopefully it'll come with time!
ALSO, I've noticed she is SUPPERRR clumsy! After some research, I've found out it's relatively normal for linnies? But I'm not sure to what extent. I'm talking clumsy to the point where her grip strength is quite weak, and she will tumble off of my shoulder if I bend slightly! And just this morning, she flew to my shoulder where Sunny was already perching and accidentally missed and BODY SLAMMED Sunny before tumbling onto the counter behind us lmao. I do not think Limbo did this out of aggression at all. And Sunny was perfectly fine, just surprised. I'm very proud of her for not reacting and choosing to stay where she was!
But yeah her landings are often more like thuds and she can't seem to slow down and lead with her feet like other birds do. Those are just some examples of how clumsy she can be. Is that normal? Her lack of history makes me worry she could have some minor neurological issue from her past. She did also bump her head into a window a couple days ago but I don't know if it was really that bad, and she is eating/drinking/sleeping/playing fine.
I'm wondering if this clumsiness may have something to do with her aversion to stepping up as well? But my fingers are thinner than the perches in her cage, and when she does step up onto me, her balance feels okay. So I don't know. Do linnies not enjoy the feeling of standing on skin maybe? But she's quite cuddly though and loves to nuzzle into my neck. Maybe I should rather train her to be comfortable with being grabbed instead if that's easier for her.
As for getting along with Sunny, I've been trying to take it slow with them. But the other day they got close enough where Sunny preened Limbo's head for a minute with my hand inbetween them in case something felt off. It went well until Limbo shook her head and itched herself. I think the sudden movement freaked Sunny out and she pulled on one of Limbo's head feathers in response. Not hard enough to pull it out, but enough to make Limbo fly a foot away. She flew back after a few seconds but it scared me and I've been much more careful with their interactions since then. I'm also trying to keep any jealousy from Sunny at bay since she has been an only-bird for so long. I'm not too worried because all her previous interactions with other birds have gone relatively well. She has always been the first to reach out to preen. But other birds have not always been to keen on her lol, so I think she carries a bit of nervousness from that around Limbo. However Limbo has not shown aggression so that's good! She just doesn't know how her actions affect Sunny lol, so sometimes she'll rush over to look at what she's eating or at one point to put her head down for scritches, and it'll freak Sunny out because she doesn't know that Limbo isn't coming to be mean to her.
Also, does anyone know if there's a way to guess her age? She has a bit of blue on her forehead which according to some posts online may mean she's a juvenile but I don't know how reliable that is. And what counts as a juvenile anyway? And her feet are dark pink and slightly scaly if that's anything!
Sorry if this post is a mess, I just kinda typed it up as I went haha.
So yeah if anyone has tips or stories to share I'd love to hear them! Regardless of everything, we do have a vet appointment next week and I'll bring everything up then too.
My bf and I drove out of state to adopt her from a kind Petsmart employee who took her in after someone abandoned her at the store. The man who left her brought her wrapped up in an old tshirt and said nothing except that he'd release her if they didn't take her

So yeah we don't know how old she is, if she is a she, or what she's experienced. BUT, I think she was handraised or at least tamed by someone at some point because she loves being around people and receiving scritches/kisses!
The only thing we're really working on is making sure she and my 11 year old GCC Sunny get along, and also step-up training. All things considered, I think Limbo's taken to training very well! We started on day 3 with target training and she picked it up quickly. And now she will step up onto a finger IF I have a treat. However, she is super reluctant to step up outside the context of training sessions. But hopefully it'll come with time!
ALSO, I've noticed she is SUPPERRR clumsy! After some research, I've found out it's relatively normal for linnies? But I'm not sure to what extent. I'm talking clumsy to the point where her grip strength is quite weak, and she will tumble off of my shoulder if I bend slightly! And just this morning, she flew to my shoulder where Sunny was already perching and accidentally missed and BODY SLAMMED Sunny before tumbling onto the counter behind us lmao. I do not think Limbo did this out of aggression at all. And Sunny was perfectly fine, just surprised. I'm very proud of her for not reacting and choosing to stay where she was!

I'm wondering if this clumsiness may have something to do with her aversion to stepping up as well? But my fingers are thinner than the perches in her cage, and when she does step up onto me, her balance feels okay. So I don't know. Do linnies not enjoy the feeling of standing on skin maybe? But she's quite cuddly though and loves to nuzzle into my neck. Maybe I should rather train her to be comfortable with being grabbed instead if that's easier for her.
As for getting along with Sunny, I've been trying to take it slow with them. But the other day they got close enough where Sunny preened Limbo's head for a minute with my hand inbetween them in case something felt off. It went well until Limbo shook her head and itched herself. I think the sudden movement freaked Sunny out and she pulled on one of Limbo's head feathers in response. Not hard enough to pull it out, but enough to make Limbo fly a foot away. She flew back after a few seconds but it scared me and I've been much more careful with their interactions since then. I'm also trying to keep any jealousy from Sunny at bay since she has been an only-bird for so long. I'm not too worried because all her previous interactions with other birds have gone relatively well. She has always been the first to reach out to preen. But other birds have not always been to keen on her lol, so I think she carries a bit of nervousness from that around Limbo. However Limbo has not shown aggression so that's good! She just doesn't know how her actions affect Sunny lol, so sometimes she'll rush over to look at what she's eating or at one point to put her head down for scritches, and it'll freak Sunny out because she doesn't know that Limbo isn't coming to be mean to her.
Also, does anyone know if there's a way to guess her age? She has a bit of blue on her forehead which according to some posts online may mean she's a juvenile but I don't know how reliable that is. And what counts as a juvenile anyway? And her feet are dark pink and slightly scaly if that's anything!
Sorry if this post is a mess, I just kinda typed it up as I went haha.
So yeah if anyone has tips or stories to share I'd love to hear them! Regardless of everything, we do have a vet appointment next week and I'll bring everything up then too.