Cico is cute name! Do you know if Cico a boy or a girl? It doesn't really matter because all 'tiels are sweet birdies! The Harrison's pellets Rocky loves are Harrison's High Potency Super Fine granules. They make so many different formulations but I use these because they are tiny- the size of a shelled millet seed- , so they're easy for babies to eat, are organic, and the ingredient list doesn't begin with ground cornmeal, soy, or any other cheap filler. Ingredient no. 1 is ground millet which is good for babies without turning them into "millet heads" who won't eat anything else. The rest of the ingredients balance out the nutritional profile so the baby gets everything he needs to grow up healthy and strong. When mixed with formula they give it a nice "chunky" texture. They are kinda expensive but one bag will last a long time with one bird.
Don't feed onions, garlic, avocado, fruit seeds like cherry pits, apple seeds, and grape seeds. No chocolate, alcohol, greasy, fried, salty or sugary foods, very limited dairy (a nibble of cheese is okay on occasion), bits of pasta, rice and potato are good and tiny bits of well cooked chicken are okay occasionally. Hard boiled or scrambled eggs are great and packed with quality protein. Of course, chopped fresh or frozen vegetables including sweet bell pepper, broccoli, spinach, greens, green beans, sugar snap peas, celery, carrots, squash, bok choy, cabbage, the list goes on! THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST. Check online for a more complete list of forbidden foods and a good foods because I'm sure I've left a lot out!