Mart, thank you for this beautiful theme. I can't let a friends theme go by without posting my dear Phoe and his best friend, Jax. On Dec. 30, Phoe will have been gone from our sight for 6 years, but not from our hearts. Never from our hearts.
Jax called for Phoe constantly for a long time, and now it's only sometimes when he does it. He doesn't look for him anymore

Jax eventually moved into Phoe's cage full-time, and he sleeps right next to the spot where Phoe slept. He seems to have worked through most of his grief, and I'm so glad.
Jax is on the left, and Phoe on the right - my sweet little bald boy
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One more set of friends I'd like to share. This is Kimera and Cally. We got them from a breeder who kept them in a barn, and they had been thrown together when both their mates died. The breeder told me that he thought Ki was 7, and that Cally was in her 50s or 60s. They loved each other, especially Ki loved Cally. When we would take Cally out without him to cut her nails, he would scream this bloodcurdling call, and throw himself against the sides of the cage until she was back.
Our sweet Cally died of what we are pretty sure was a heart attack on Dec. 17, 2016. She was perfectly fine when we changed the water, and on the bottom of the cage 20 minutes later when we brought down veggies. She was just gone
Ki was on the bottom with her, nudging her and screaming, this time with terror in his voice. It took years before he stopped looking for her.
Cally is on the left and Ki on the right
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These are all JFF pics.