Aster's thread

she was hungry (flew at the container of her food) so I put her back and I guess she just fell asleep on her food bowl
I feel so bad, woke up this morning and did my normal routine of feeding the animals before I head to work. Right now Aster is positioned at the last of my routine so I hear her calling out as I'm doing everything else. As i walk into her room she jumps at the front of the cage and when I open the door to put her food in she jumps out onto me. Poor girl didnt want to go back in her cage and I wanted to stay and play with her but I had to go to work D: I'm glad shes adjusting so well though
Nipping is getting a lot better, now she just mostly gently mouths my fingers. Shes not huge on playing with her toys yet but shes still settling in.

SHes found her favorite place to sit while I game

Aster had her first vet appointment today. It didnt go exactly as expected, the vet I would normally see about my birds had to attend to an emergency so I saw their exotic vet instead which I was okay with since this was mostly just a physical exam instead of something more urgent. Aster did really well, she let the vet and vet tech handle her and even when they toweled her she was pretty calm and really I dont think the towel was necessary but I know why they use it. Her physical checked out and she seems healthy. They took a poop sample to do a fecal on and they said theyd call me tomorrow with the results, I'm expecting it to come back normal. Shes had some loose stools but I've chalked that up to nerves with being in a new environment, today they seemed a little more firm. Shes settling in very well and things are going really smoothly.

Next step is introducing her to Apollo (after another couple weeks in quarantine) and seeing how that goes. Any advise for introducing birds? I was watching a video from elle'sbirds and she set up both birds in different carriers so they could be close and see each other but not physically interact. Fed them treats and etc so they know good things come with being around the other bird. And then moving to introducing them in neutral territory outside of the carriers again with treats so they have something positive to focus on. What do you guys think about that?

I'm really nervous I've been seeing a lot of horror stories of birds biting off other birds beaks on facebook lately and I obviously want nothing like that to happen. Lincoln, while being in the same room as the other two, will be kept separate from them as hes already shown me he prefers space from at least Apollo so he has his own play stand and etc on the other side of the room that I dont allow Apollo on (she will fly there sometimes but I'm quick to bring her back to her own area. Shes never out of her cage without supervision) Thankfully lincoln isnt aggressive hes very communicative about what be does and doesnt like before he resorts to biting.

Beginning of introductions are going well. Both of them feel comfortable enough to eat the millet and nutriberries I put in their respective carrier. Apollo is mostly just pacing the carrier because she wants out, very normal behavior from her. Aster seems interested in Apollo but Apollo has shown no interest in Aster, but doesnt seem scared of her.
Love your diligent, cautious approach! Honestly I haven't introduced birds in so long, but your slow process seems best. Obviously first few times together on neutral territory, take it slow with short but frequent outings. Rewards for good behaviors!

Since they did so well in the carriers I decided to let them be outside of the carrier. Aster was very interested in Apollo and kept trying to get close to her, Apollo would hiss and open her beak at her and Aster would back off. Both seemed otherwise comfortable and would take moments to peck at the millet and Apollo would occassionally groom herself or ask me for pets. I'd say this session went well

Since they did so well in the carriers I decided to let them be outside of the carrier. Aster was very interested in Apollo and kept trying to get close to her, Apollo would hiss and open her beak at her and Aster would back off. Both seemed otherwise comfortable and would take moments to peck at the millet and Apollo would occassionally groom herself or ask me for pets. I'd say this session went well
Off to a very good start!!

I was gonna wait another week or 2 before moving Aster out of quarantine into the bird room but it's gotten really cold really fast and I didnt have a space heater for the quarantine room. I got her a little snuggle up cage heater but I was worried it wouldnt be enough for her. Health wise she was fine to not be in quarantine but I wanted to continue working on introducing her and Apollo before moving her into the bird room. Aster isnt happy with the sudden change in environment. She was very chirpy and it took her awhile to settle down but hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Aster has decided staining herself pink with beet juice is the way to go. Shes such a messy eater and gets more and more juice on her feathers everyday.

Also I got some new shelves for the bird room and she was very curious while I was assembling them. My own little supervisor. you can also see Apollo in the background kind of
Aster's such a beautiful birdie, she just gets prettier every time i see her!:love:
Not the best picture but thought it was funny
Also shes saying SOMETHING it's definitely words but I have no idea what
Aster has learned her first trick! (Other than recall and step up) and that is the modest Spin! I'll get a video up soon. I also figured out what shes been saying and its "gimme a kiss" because my mom is very persistent in getting lincoln to give her kisses. So I've also started to teach Aster how to give kisses. sometimes she will give me a little peck on the lips now.
I'm in love with Aster!!!! Omg!! She is super cute She! So smart! Look at your great burd room and all the love , toy, fun stuff just awesome! She looks so much like my Ta-dah too.

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